6. How did I make it this far?

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Tobys POV

I slowly sit up, rubbing my head. It feels like someone is bnging on it trying to get our or something. I check the clock, 10 am, I lay back down and go back to sleep.

I get woken up again, this time by Eyeless Jack.

"Wale up toby. It's 11 am, you can't sleep forever" He states, shaking me awake.

I groan, the sooner I get up the sooner I have to tell my life story to these strangers. Jack rips the covers off my bed.

I roll over away from him.
"It's t-t-too e-early for th-this" I say, shivering from the cold.

"Too bad, slender and the weirdos are waiting, apparently your telling your life story. It piqued my curiosity, and I'm supposed to wake you up."

I groan again and stand up almost falling over in the process, but E.J catches me. I blush in embarrassment and do my best to walk to the door. This time falling face first to the floor.

E.j chuckles and offers me a hand. I take it.
"Do you want help walking, you could injure yourself further?"
"O-OK.. " I answer
"Although, a-all of m-my injuries a-are on my h-hands a-and arms th-though, why c-can't I w-walk?" I ask
"I wondered what had happened so I checked the security cams, most rooms don't have then, but Brian and Tim's room does. Apparently while you were sleeping you picked up the knife and stabbed yourself in in leg and stomach twice. With slenders help and my amazing skills as a medic we managed to get you healed enough to walk with help, but you'll have to stay here for a bit. You'll also have to have someone someone help you around."he explains

"Oh..." I answer

"What made you do it?..." he asks
"You'll see when I talk to the group in a couple minutes"

I wrap my arm around his shoulders and neck. He hooks his arm round my back under my arm.

He opens the door and helps me through a weird waiting room? Then up a flight of stairs. He opens a door and we arrive in the hallway where Masky and hoodies room is.

I gasp quietly and look around, reading every sign on the doors I couldn't see last night.
We walk down the hallway and out to the main area of the 'house'.
Suddenly as we enter the rooms atmosphere changes. Everyone's scared, but also really confused. The room bursts out in whispers

I look up at E.J when he starts talking, since he's a lot taller than me. Hes around 6'1 or 6'2 and I'm 5'6.

"Listen I know it's weird. Shut up. and none of you ever try to get this close OT me, I will eat your kidney. Let him tell his story or whatever."
Im surprised that hes a cannibal but I quickly remember that I'm in a house full of murders so I let it go."

"Th-thanks Jack"

He didn't say that because he likes you

He probably only hasn't killed you already because your his patient

Really, do you really think they like you?

Of course not Tobias

"Sh-shut up..." I whisper
And surprisingly, they do.

"OK..." I start, sitting down, E.J sitting next to me, everyone staring at me, waiting
"S-so when i-i was b-born m-my dad d-d-d-didn't l-like ch-children"
I curse my stuttering but only manage to stutter more.
"It's ok..take your time.." Jack whispers to me.
I take a deep breath, Jack grabs my hand and squeezes it, encouraging me. I give him a slight smile and grasp his hand tightly.
"H-he was also a-an alcoholic...h-he was r-really abusive.." I flinch remembering everything he's done. Some people have sympathetic looks, but not everyone, and I can't see peaoples faces who have masks.

"H-he hit m-my f-f-family a lot, s-so I t-tried to p-proctect th-them...but i-it usually e-ended with h-him h-hitting or r-r-r-raping m-me..." some people gasped, some peopel were sad or sympathetic, but either way there were a lot of whispers.
"A-about two y-years ago.. m-my s-sister a-and I w-went for a d-drive a-and we g-got in a c-car crash...I can't feel pain, b-but I s-saw her..."

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