20. Fire

140 7 6

Tobys POV

I sit up slowly, wincing in pain. I blink a couple times before finally getting used to my surroundings. I stand up, pushing myself up with my hands, slightly unsteady. I steady myself quickly letting the dizziness fade before walking again.

I study the 2 places in the room that are lit up. The bedside table didn't have anything on it but the candle and a lighter, boring.

The desk is a fair bit more interesting,  it has a candle and a folded up piece of paper with my name on it?

I pick it, and the candle up, unflofing the letter and holding the candle up to it so I can read.

Hi Toby!
I just wanted to tell you a bit about what's happened.  1, you're not in the infirmary anymore,  you're in my bedroom,  2, If you want to find me, push the button under my desk and the rug will move, you'll see a trapdoor, that's where I am. If you want to come in make sure your wearing proper clothes not just pjs, ok? You can borrow anything from my closet or drawers, although a lot of it will probably be too big. Anyway, how to see you soon! Also please press the button that will be on your left once you enter the trapdoor,  it will reset the rug, thank you.

Love, Jack.
Burn this letter,  cause I can't have anyone else find my hideout.

I smile and feel my heart flutter when I see that he wrote love,  rather then from or something similar.

I put the letter in a conveniently placed clay bowl, folding it in half twice before lighting it on fire. I stare in amazement as I watch the paper burn.

I quickly find the button and blow out all the candles,  giving myself a moment to let my eyes adjust to the dark.  I walk over to the trapdoor and open it, staring down into the seemingly endless hole.  I push myself in a grab onto the ladder. I also somehow find the second button in the pitch black and pull the trapdoor shut before pressing it.  I hear vests and machines working and climb down, but what would be sitting for me?

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