15. Mystery

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Hello, sorry for my long absence, I meant to update this story a while ago but a lots been happening, two of my grandparents got diagnosed with dementia, then I found out that threson we have Thursday night family dinners every week with all our family is cause two of my uncles/cousins(?) Committed suicide a couple years ago and my family didn't want their parents to be lonely so they have dinner once a week, then my grandma came over from america and I haven't seen her in 5 years, we went on holiday out of service, then my favourite content creator died of cancer, I was banned from my phone for a while, we went out hiking and and I was out of service, and now we're here, again sorry I didn't update, I'll be better with that, and thanks for over 200 views!

Maskys POV (it's been awhile since we last heard from him)

"Nope it's impossible, someone would have been seen sneaking into tobys room, no way they could've passed everyone that was there." Hoodie explains.

"The question isn't just how did he get past everyone, the question, is how did he pass everyone, and the cameras. Cause all this shows is that the camera I'm tobys room glitches and then he appears. It's the same thing that happened with the cameras in the hospital"I answer

"Listen, it doesn't matter how he got there, we know Carter shot toby. Twice. That's it, that's all we need to know."

"See if it had stopped after he shot toby the first time, then we could pass it off as no one was paying attention, the problem is, it's happened twice, he seemingly just appears. It's impossible."

End of chapter but I'll probably update in like 20 mins lol, I just had no ideas for this chapter. Also this book has gone way off my original plan so it's more just a scramble of random ideas, I hope it's good, even if it isn't I still won't delete it.

Also my s.o asked me out on a date and I'm really excited, we've been dating for over a month and this will be our first date, so I'm probably gonna do a bunch of fluff for next chapter, then probably some heavy angst then idk maybe kill off a character? Well just have to see I guess.

Also, just to clear things up, he got shot, then Carter left and while the surgery thing was happening they sent hoodie and masky to find out what happened and how it happened. Hope people aren't too confused, although to be honest, even I'm confused.

Love yall
- erin/author

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