Chapter 2

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Goddammit. Goddammit all to hell.

I knew I shouldn't have come here tonight. I promised myself I'd stay away this time. 

Just one more look, I reassured myself as I asked Namjoon to make a detour from our planned route. One more chance to stare into those big brown eyes and it'll be over. All I need is a final glimpse before I put this unhealthy obsession behind me once and for all.

And I actually believed it.

What a bloody fucking idiot I am.

From the warmth of the back seat of the Escalade, I stare through the window. She's there inside, talking to her co-worker the busty brunette, making her look like a pigeon standing next to a Picasso.


The girl named after a movie actor.

The shy beauty with the gentle Southern twang, eyes the color of hazel brown, and a smile that could almost make a man like me believe in god.

"We're late, dude," says Namjoon quietly from the driver's seat.

"I know it."

If my voice is irritated, it's only because I'm mad at myself, not him.

Eleven months of denying myself something I want very badly has taken its toll on my temper.

I watch for a moment longer, wishing I had the talent to draw. I'd sketch her face a thousand ways. Try to capture the softness in her eyes when she looks up at me from under those long, dark lashes. The flash of heat as her gaze drifts to my mouth.

But my hands were made for things much more brutal than drawing pictures of a bashful, beautiful girl.

Do the right thing, Taehyung. Stay away from her. It's a stupid coincidence that you both come from big families and like pistachio ice cream. It doesn't mean anything that she likes wild places, too, and grew up in a tiny town, too, and looks at you like you're the most fascinating thing she's ever seen.

She's not for you.

Your life would devour her and leave nothing but bones.

I tear my gaze away from the window, drag my hand through my hair, and tell Namjoon to drive, and be quick about it.

The sooner I get away from here, the better.

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