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Please read Back In Time  before continuing. If you haven't already done so. This is an alternate ending to Back In Time, so read the story to get the background of this new story. Thank you.

I was hiding in the woods. A few feet away. From where I was attacked. A year ago. Today. I was hiding there with Dumbledore. Waiting. Until the right time.

I had just seen the last carriage drive by. I watched it as it went by. Until it disappeared from view. Although. I couldn't really see the people inside. I thought I saw long black hair. Leaning against the window.

My chest constricted. At the thought. I closed my eyes. And took several deep breaths. Trying to slow. My racing heart. Trying. To calm myself down. The more calm I was. The easier this would be.

"Miss Potter? It's time." I heard Dumbledore's voice say.

I opened my eyes. Looking out in to the road. I nodded. Not looking at Dumbledore. Stepping into the quarter moon's light. Walking to the place. I was. When the attack happened. I took a deep breath. And turned around. So. That now. I was looking at Dumbledore. Who held his wand up. Then. He dropped it.

"Miss Potter? Is this really what you want? Do you really want to go back to your time, or would like to stay here? Don't forget, even if you stay, and you decide to change your mind, at some point, and want to go back home, we can do this again, in ten years. I'll let you think for a moment on this."

My breathing hitched. Did I want to go back home? Or? Did I want to stay back in time? Did I want to go back to death at every corner? Where danger lurks behind every door? Where every Year. Something goes wrong? Did I really want to go back to that? But. Death was here too. Voldemort was at large here. He was even more powerful here. Than he was in my time. But did I want to stay? Could I leave my brother. Family. And friends. Behind? Never to really see them again? Not like I would now. When my friends and twin brother. Where around the same age. If I stayed in this time line. I would be an adult. Before I saw them again. Did I want to do that? I don't even know what will happen if I stay. How will that affect the future? My future? My brother's future? What will happen? I didn't know? Did I want to stay? Or did I want to go? I had to make a choice. Right now. I couldn't wait. I had to choose. Do I stay? Or do I go?

"Miss Potter? It's time to choose. Do you want to stay here? Or do you want to go back home?"

I looked up at Dumbledore. I took and deep breath. And sighed. "I want to stay."

"Are you sure about this?"

I nodded. "I'm sure. As much as I would like to go back. I also want to stay here. I love it here. And. I don't know. I just want to stay."

I did. Even though going back is a good idea. I loved it too much in this time period. Even though I knew what was happening in 1996. Or. What was going to happen. War. I just didn't want to go back. I know. I said. A long time ago. That I would help my twin get through this upcoming War. I wanted to stay. And I didn't care. I should. But. I don't know if I should. Know what I mean? If that makes any sense.

"Just to let you know. There might be consequences to you staying. If you are really willing to take that risk, I ask you one more time, are you sure you want to stay?"

Of course there would be consequences. There are consequences with everything you do. Especially with time. Always. With time. And. I knew them with this. Staying would bring it. The biggest thing. I might not be born. Thinking about that. Made me shiver slightly. I didn't know all the consequences of me staying. But. I knew of that one. That I might not be born. Come four years from now. I don't know if I'll be born. I just don't know.

Back In Time: An Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now