Dinner for Two

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Izuku unlocked the door and opened it quietly. Bakugou followed behind him, both moving quietly because Inko might be asleep. Izuku tip toed to Inko's bedroom to find she was sleeping after all, and closed the door with a small click.

Bakugou was already getting things out to make Izuku a meal, quietly washing the pans and tools needed. He got out the meat and produce, leaving the meat in a bowl to thaw and washing the produce.

"I keep forgetting you know how to cook, Kacchan." Izuku flashed that sweet, innocent smile. Bakugou looked at him nearly offended.
"Of course I can cook! What would make you forget?" His eyes narrowed.
"Oh, well you're so intense out in public, I suppose it just slips my mind."

Bakugou put down the lettuce he was washing and dried his hands. He walked up to Izuku and put his hand on the greenettes shoulder.
"Izuku." He glazed into his big, emerald eyes, nearly losing his train of thought. "Just never forget that I don't mean what I say to you in anger. Promise me, damn nerd." He scoffed in an attempt to hide his true emotion.

Izuku looked up at him, shocked. He was never this soft with him. He smiled softly, staring back to his ruby eyes.
"Alright Kacchan, I promise." He spoke softly and sincerely. Bakugou looked at him, a troubled smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. He looked the other way, and followed his gaze to the kitchen. He took out the eggs.

"Um- Kacchan what are you making?" Bakugou looked back and rolled his eyes.
"What do you think nerd? I'm making your favorite." Izuku's eye lit up.
"Katsudon!?" He exclaimed. Bakugou silently nodded.

A door slowly creaked open, revealing a little green haired woman. Bakugou turned back and smiled politely.
"What are you boys doing up so late? Zuzu don't you have a test tomor- what's that smell?" Her eyes were exhausted, but her face was delighted, welcoming the smell.

"I'm making katsudon, would you like some when I finish it, Auntie Inko?" Inko smiled tiredly and politely declined.

Bakugou and Izuku both finished eating, and Bakugou reluctantly went home. Meanwhile, at the Todoroki household, Shoto just got home.

TW⚠️ family issues

Shoto stuck back into his house threw his bedroom window, a small click behind him. It reeked of cigarettes and it was dark. He flicked on the light to see Dabi laying on his bed.

"Hey lil bro, where've you been?" Dabi lit a cigarette. Todoroki rolled his eyes and lean against his window sill.
"I could ask the same, Toya." He pulled his curtains together. Dabi's face twitched at the name.
"I told you not to call me that, kettle boy." He flicked his ashes into the carpet. Todoroki narrowed his eyes at the action.
"Kettle boy, not very creative 2/10 for the effort. Toya just shut your bitch ass up." He smirked.

Dabi just scoffed and stood up, crushing the cigarette under his shoe.
"Look brat I came here to talk to you about dad." He waited to hear if he'd say anything. "Look I've seen how you look at Midoriya, but dad's a fucking homophobe. If he knew I'm with Kiego he wouldn't try and contact me anymore."

Todoroki looked stunned. He knew his dad was homophobic, but he never thought Dabi would warn him.
"Look Toya I don't know what you think you're doing, but there's nothing you can get from me." Todoroki opened the window and pointed outside. "Now leave before I call the police."

"Whatever brat I warned you." He glared at Todoroki and crouched in the window. "And I told you to stop calling me that name." He left without a trace he was ever there.

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