Chapter 6: Tea Party to Dominate (2)

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Chapter 6: Tea Party to Dominate (2)

Scarlett's POV

For a few days of preparation I had my things sorted out for the ladies I want to become close friends with, perhaps gaining some alliance and favors.

I've gotten gifts that might intrigue each one of them and might even gain some trust.

For Lady Rebecca, a book about boy's love to which I personally assigned Elise, my trusted maid, to buy that book for me without being seen. I've also taken measures that I have not been in any contact with pollen since from their sources she's allergic to flowers.

For Lady Felicity, with her own chocolate addiction I've prepared the chef a secret recipe to be followed.

For Lady Verosica, I've taken account of how she's allergic to animals so I have her order a custom stuffed animal of a cat. Particularly one of my favorite breeds, a Persian cat.

Elise had some trouble with the last one. Lady Clarisse, the girl, wanted a sharp object because of her fascination with these. One would say it's not a redeeming quality for a lady but I beg to differ.

I've thought of giving her a sword, rapier or a knife. For someone in the ranks of nobility she must has all the sharp objects in this kingdom... that's been modeled after Europe and the West.

So I arranged a letter for a blacksmith to make throwable kunai. Something unique and you can't get anywhere designs here.

I would say I'm doing a pretty good job planning all these. Now I have already written my confirmation of attendance at all of their hosted events.


Ah Elise must be here to show me her progress with the Intel gathering. "The rumors spread like wildfire among my friends and they wanted to help you gather the Intel you need." She hands me a list of servants who must've volunteered for the difficult job.

"Did you also tell them about the fine rewards that I have?" I ask, smiling coyly and Elise nods.

"That part was the one that pushed them all to agree, milady." (Elise) chuckles a little bit before I take a look at all of the servant's list.

Who knew there would be so many who want money this badly.

Meaning they're desperate...

"I need to make a list of information on these servants who want to be my pawn. I can't risk one of them betraying me." I gave the list back to Elise who raises her hands in defense.

"But milady I assure you, these are trustworthy people." (Elise)

"Elise, just because they're trustworthy it doesn't mean they don't have the will to betray me once they have something on the line."

I remember one of the maid's betrayals that the original Scarlett before, the maid seemed trustworthy at first but her family got involved to which she started working for the enemy. "If I see something as a liability. I'll cut them off. I need servants who have nothing and by that: No family, no home, no one to care for and nowhere to go. To be my intel collectors."

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