Chapter 9: A Villainess- should be strong.

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Chapter 9: A Villainess- should be strong.

"Urk-! Hngh! S-Stop..."

I scratched the ropes digging deeper into my skin. The maid with a mask clearly has no intent on stopping. "You like that?! Good thing I don't even need magic to kill you, huh? You like that you spoiled piece of-?!"

The unending slurs that she said with my strength fading. Such hatred...

"Once you die! I'll tie you up in your room and leave a suicide note for the others to be fooled! Such a perfect plan!"

I can't hear anything that she's saying anymore... even my killer's face seemed to be fading.

"Hrkkk!" I struggled.

However, it was no use she got me where she wanted me and I'm too weak to fight back. My breathing weakened and my eyes were slowly drifting to sleep.

"And you know what's the best part of killing someone horrible like you? No one... not even your fake noble family would care." my hands were at my sides... fearing that she was right.

Who would even... care for Scarlett?

In the moment my hands felt like it was on fire. I could even smell the smoke- smoke?

Without even thinking I reached for the maid's mask that was busy strangling me and forcefully punched her.

My punch landed on the mask, the smell of burnt hard silicone wafted through the air as I tried landing for another punch-

"You fucking little bitch-!"


She tightens the hold to the rope even harder. It's not even the game ending will I die already?!

Thud! Crash!


I coughed, taking in a deep breath finally feeling the air around me once again. "!!!"

My eyes darted to two maids in my vision.

One was Elise and the other was knocked out cold with the mask having a burn mark on the side. There was a broken chair behind them and it must be the weapon used to knock the other maid unconscious.

"E-Elise..." My voice seemed raspy as I called out to her name.

When I tried to move I felt the rope still dangling onto my neck.

"Hnghhh..." I muttered weakly, seeing Elise made me happy that I can't even explain.

I tried taking off the rope that was tied to my neck quickly but fumbled seeing how weak and shaking my hands were.

The smell of fire was still there.

I should've burned the rope instead first. How utterly careless of me.

"Oh... Scarlett... I'm so... sorry I couldn't get here sooner." Elise kneels down in front of me giving a sorry expression and looks at the rope wrapped tightly around my neck.

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