Wives of War

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For an Assessment at university, I was challenged with writing and performing a 10 minute play! This was a devised piece of work so as a group we came up with the idea and over 6 weeks created and performed it. Soon we will get our assessments score results.

I was massively complimented on my writing skills by an accomplished actor, so decided it would be nice to share it!
It is a play, so may be different to what you are use to reading but I hope you enjoy!

Here is the script for our play, Wives of War:

It is 1944 wartime England and Evelyn Spencer, an upperclass woman, has invited members of the town for a 'grief gathering'.

"Welcome everyone, I am so glad you could all attend! I created this little 'grief gathering' for us all to find comfort in one other in these tiring times of war. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to our, dare I say secrets?"

Invitations include:
William and Eloise Dunton
Stephanie Boyd, younger sister to Eloise
Marie Preston
Maggie Harris

It is by coincidence that William and Marie know each other?
And is it by chance Maggie and Stephanie always end up next to each other?
Or is it all Evelyn's doing?

Are we all pawns in her game of chess?

Welcome to Wives of war.

{I played the role of Maggie Harris}

• All Rights Reserved
This is entirely my own work, with editing help from fellow students.
Do not take or edit or translate without my permission.
(With credit I am likely to say yes)

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