Chap 1 "Giving Thanks"

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Esme's POV

I walked into firehouse Fifty One with a box of cookies. A guy walked up to me. "You're Lieutenant Severide, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Uhm, Kelly Severide. How can I help?"

"You probably don't recognize me," I smiled. "The first time we met, I was covered in ash and smelled like smoke."

"We pulled you from the building yesterday," Kelly pointed. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, uhm, I baked you guys some cookies for saving my life," I handed him the box. "Now, I have to go find a contractor to fix my building before my dad makes me find a different job."

"My friend, Matt Casey, can help you out if you're willing to wait," Kelly nodded. "I just gotta run inside and grab him really quickly."

"Thanks, but I'd rather not mix my business with my dad's," I replied. "But thank you for offering."

"If you don't mind me asking, who's your dad?" Kelly asked. "What does your dad have to do with the CFD?"

"That's my fault," I looked at him. "I didn't even introduce myself." I saw Wallace. "Hi, Mr. Boden."

"Come on, Esme," Wallace smiled. "I think we're past formalities now. You're what, twenty one?"

"Twenty four," I replied.

"Oh, you know her, Chief?" Kelly asked.

"You haven't told him who you are?" Wallace asked.

"I was getting there," I nodded. "Unless you wanna do the honors."

"Gladly," Wallace smiled. "This is Esme Tiberg."

"Tiberg? As in Chief Tiberg?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, that's my dad," I replied. "I just came by to say thank you. I do have to find a way to fix my building."

"Casey," Wallace stated. A guy walked over to us. "Esme, this is Matt Casey."

"Nice to meet you," Matt replied as we shook hands. "What can I do for you?"

"How long will it take for you to reconstruct the whole Influencer's Corner building?" Wallace asked.

"Depends on the structure. If we have to tear it down, probably three to four months," Matt nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"It's my building," I replied. "How soon can you get started?"

"After shift," Wallace stated.

"Chief," Matt nodded. Wallace just looked at him. "I can come by and give you an estimate."

"Money isn't an issue," I replied as I got out my checkbook. I wrote him a five thousand dollar check and handed it to him. "That should help get you started."

"That's really generous," Matt looked at the check. "Are you related to Joel Tiberg?"

"Yeah, that's my dad," I nodded, "but please don't let my name make you feel obligated to do this at a discounted rate."

"Chief Tiberg," Kelly stated. Matt stuffed the check in his pocket. "Hi."

"I hope my daughter isn't causing too much trouble," Dad stated. "She told me she was coming by here with cookies."

"Yeah, I think Capp already ate through half the box," Kelly pointed.

"I can bake more if I need to," I nodded. My phone beeped and I looked at my watch. "I gotta go."

"Where are you going?" Dad asked.

"A protein shake wants my face to help promote and I have sponsors backing me on this," I looked at Dad. "I just hope one day you'll see that being an influence is not just fun and games."

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