Chap 6 "New Beginnings"

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Esme's POV

My party was starting and I still haven't seen Jay even though he said he would be late. Kelly walked up to me. "Hey," I smiled. "Glad you can make it."

"I'm just waiting for more people to get here," I smiled. I saw Jay walked in and he walked right up to me. "Hey, you made it."

"I am not missing your birthday," Jay smiled. Kelly walked away. "I was out getting your birthday gift."

"You paid for our flights on this trip," I nodded. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"I wanted to. So, how long till the party ends?" Jay looked arand. "You look like you got some pretty good friends."

"Well, I do have good friends here in Chicago," I smiled. "This party is scheduled to end at midnight or until CPD shuts us down."

"CDP knows better than to shut my girl's party down," Jay replied. I brushed off how he just said that. "Are you excited for our trip?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I've never been to Paris, but I know you're an amazing tour guide."

"This trip is all about you," Jay smiled. "Just for you."

"You've been a good guy to me, Jay," I stated. "Any girl would be lucky to have a guy like you."

"Screw it," Jay sighed. "I was going to ask you on top of the Eiffel Tower, but I guess
now is a good of time as any."


"Here," Jay stated as he got a small box from his jacket. He opened it. "This was going to be your late birthday gift."

"J. H.," I read. I looked at him. "For Jay Halstead?"

"Yeah," Jay nodded. "What do you say? Will you make me the happiest guy and be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah," I smiled. He smiled and put the necklace around my neck. "Thank you."

"Happy birthday," Joe walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Are you having a good birthday?"

"Yes, Joe," I nodded. He handed me a gift bag. "Sylvie, Otis and you got me something?"

"Yes, girl," Joe replied. "I think you're really going to like it." I got a stapler out of the bag. "I grabbed the wrong bag."

"So, you didn't give me a stapler?" I asked.

"We got it for Connie, because her stapler was jamming up the other day," Joe nodded. "Unless you want the stapler."

"I don't know what I'd need the stapler for," I replied as I put the stapler back in the bag and handed it back to Joe. "I think Connie will love the new stapler though."

"Thanks," Joe walked away.

"I'm so ready for this party to end," I sighed. By the end of the night, no one was really around, but the small group from Fifty One and Jay. "So, maybe the party wasn't that big, but had fun."

"Esme, is there anyway I could talk to you?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. I followed him outside. "What is it, Kelly?"

"Tell me that you don't love me anymore," Kelly stated. "You can't, can you?"

"I do still love you, but I already told you I can't," I replied. "My hands are tied."

"Esme," Kelly stated. He showed me a ring. "I bought this a week before you broke up with me."

"You were going to propose?"

"Tonight, but you broke up with me."

"Why didn't you tell me?

"I wasn't going to trap you.Would our relationship have change if I had asked you then?"

"Maybe," I sighed. "Why are you showing me this now?"

"To let you know I was sure of our relationship," Kelly nodded. "I know we can make this work if you give me a chance."

"I'm sorry, but no," I replied. I saw Jay locking up my building for me. "It took me a long time to actually move on."

"Are you ready, babe?" Jay ashed.

"Just give me second," I sighed.

"Oh, I see," Kelly replied.

"We just became an official thing tonight," looked at Kelly. "I had to move on. I hope
you con do the same." Jay opened his car door for me. "I have to go." I got into the car and Jay drove us back to my place. We walked into the garage. "Have you even seen the inside of my house?"

"No, but its because we spend more time in here and I'm okay with that," Jay smiled. He took his spot on the floor. "You should get some sleep before our flight."

"Jay, we can share the bed," I looked at him. I got on the bed and under the covers. Jay got in right after me. "It's a lot more comfortable than the floor, if you ask me."

"It definitely is more comfortable," Jay smiled. "I'm ready for this trip."

"We both need this trip," I looked at him. "Jay, I don't wanna start this relationship off will lies."

"Who said we were?"

"No one did," I nodded. "Uhm, Kelly asked me to give him a second chance tonight." Jay sat up and looked at me. "I told him no, Jay." I sat up to be face to face with him. "He was going to propose if we hadn't broken up."

"Do I have anything to worry about?" Jay asked.

"No," I smiled. "Because I'm yours." Jay put his arm around me. "Kelly, he was a thing in the past."

Jay's POV

Esme persuaded me to put in for a whole month vacation. Each week we were in a different country. On our last night in Bora Bora, Esme received a call. When she got back, she was starting to pack. "Hey, slow down," I grabbed her wrists. "Talk to me, baby. What's going on?"

"We have to go back to Chicago," Esme sighed.

"May you tell me why?" I asked.

"Gabby left to go to Puerto Rico, her and Matt are getting a divorce, and Kelly's dad passed away," Esme looked at me. "We're going home. I need to be there for Kelly. He and I may not be together anymore, but he's still my friend."

"Okay," I let go of her. "Let's pack our bags." Esme and I packed our things and got on the next flight home. She went straight to Kelly's and I went right back to work. I was sitting in my chair. Antonio walked into the room. "I didn't know your sister went to Puerto Rico."

"She left the first week you guys were gone," Antonio sighed. "Matt didn't want her having a baby and she wanted one. He ended up pushing her away." I nodded. "Anyways, how does it feel to be off the market?"

"Esme's a lot of fun, but I feel like she's still hung up on Kelly," I replied. "The only reason we came back a day early was because of him."

"He just lost his father," Antonio replied. "He needs a lot of support right now."

"I hope you're right," I sighed. I went back to my apartment. Esme was sitting on my doorstep. "You don't have a key."

"No, I don't," Esme nodded as I helped her up. "I am going to need one since you have one to my place." I opened our door and walked inside. She sat on the couch. "He really needed help."

"Is he doing okay?" I asked

"Physically, yes," Esme replied. "Mentally? He's still trying to process." I sat beside her.
"Matt lives with him now. Someone tried to burn down his apartment."

"I'm glad you're able to be there for him," I smiled.

"He just needs someone there," Esme nodded. "I helped him a lot with the costs." She looked at her checkbook. "I've written three checks for the down payments and gave him three extras to pay the remaining."

"You're sure he's not using you?"

"I offered to help him," Esme stated

"I just want to be sure, Esme." I replied. "I'm not trying to make him to be the bad guy."

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