Chap 10 "One Week"

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Esme's POV

So much has happened since Clarabelle's birthday. A lot has happened in the past eight months. I saw Jay about to leave for work. "Hey, do you have a sec?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jay nodded. "What's going on?"

"I'm pregnant," I looked at him.

"What?" Jay asked.

"I'm pregnant."

"I'm going to be a dad again?"

"Yeah," I nodded as I handed him 10 tests. "I've taken one each day for the past two weeks just to be sure."

"Who else knows?"

"No one."

"Okay," Jay replied. "Look, I gotta get to work, but I think I know a way we can tell everyone."

"Well, but I'm telling Sylvie," I smiled. "I'm on my way to see her in a bit."

"How far along are you?" Jay asked. "Can you still wear your dress?"

"Two months," I replied, "and yes."

"Okay," Jay smiled. "I love you."

"I love you," I nodded. Jay left. I went to the firehouse and I saw Sylvie. "Hey."

"You should be at home, getting last minute details done," Sylvie smiled. "Oh, Gianna
Mackey, this is Esme Tiberg." We shook hands. "She took over when Foster left."

"You're in good hands here," I smiled.

"Why did you drop in ?" Sylvie asked. I followed her to the common room. "You could've called."

"This isn't something I can tell you over the phone," I replied. I showed her the picture on my phone. "This is why I couldn't call."

"You're pregnant?!" Sylvie exclaimed.

"What?" Kelly asked. "Again?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You and Jay be getting busy before the big day," Joe joked.

"Honestly, yeah," I agreed. "Nothing like a toddler and an infant to keep us on our toes."

"Where is Claire? Kelly asked.

"Dad is keeping her for the week," I nodded. "He said I have enough to worry about with the wedding."

"Is she not going to the daycare anymore?" Joe asked.

"Since my dad is retired, he volunteered to be my full-time babysitter," I nodded. "He tried to get us to move back in with him after Mom left."

"I'm so sorry," Sylvie stated.

"No, she was toxic for him," I replied. "I'm glad she left. I didn't enjoy her making him miserable. He's in a good spot now." I smiled. "His bank account doesn't say that, but I'm doing what I can for him."

"You're a good person," Kelly replied. "Claire is lucky to have you as her mom."

"I know," I nodded. Stella walked in. "Since my dad is retired, I sold the daycare to a wonderful older couple and they're running it like I was." I looked at Kelly. "I may have to get back into social media."

"Why does Severide need to know that?" Stella asked. "He doesn't need to know. Plus, I thought you quit social media."

"I did," I nodded.

"Then why bring it up?" Stella asked.

"Because I might have to go back into business to pay my bills," I replied. "I do have to work for a living, Stella. My dad is broke because my mom brought them up every penny he had. I sold my daycare so I can help him out. That money can only last so long till I have to give them more." I looked at her. "I'm only do it to provide for my family."

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