Where am I

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Jades POV.

'What the heck who's playing with the jackhammer.' I thought while shifting my weight on the rumbling surface. As I feel around I touch a cold, hard surface covered in some warm, sticky substance.

"What the fudge sickles is this?" I question blinking the sleep from my eyes. Red. Thats what I saw red, sticky, gooey, warm blood.


I get up looking around. I'm surrounded by broken buildings, blood covered stone streets, and is that a freak'n dead body hanging in a window. Nope, but there's one by that boulder.

Looking closer at my surroundings I finally see the giant titan walking on the other side of the row of houses.

"Ok let's see giant freak'n naked titan check. Blood everywhere, check. Dead body with belts and 3DM gear, check. I'm in Attack on Titan." I concluded.

But just as I started to figure things out I'm flung off the ground as a Titan chases something.


I hear the sound of a object whizzing by. Just as I turn I'm picked up by some guy who smells of rum. Soon after I start to slip out of his hands, but he readjusted his grip making his arm snake around my slim waist.

( You're like how Hannes first carried Mikasa when mrs.Yeager gets eaten)

My head started to pound as all the blood rushes to it because of me being carried upside down. The headache is becoming to much so I end up passing out.

• 30 Minutes Later •

I slowly start to open my eyes to find myself on a thin bed in an empty room. Not knowing where i'm at I quickly stand up then regret even moving. Falling back onto the bed I hear a door open and close.

"I see you're up," Said a sweet voice.

"Uhm," I hummed because I'm still a little shocked from what has happened to me.

"Ok, can you stand?" She asked with that same sugary voice.

I start to stand using the table that was beside the bed as support. Looking down I see that I'm changed out of my bloody cloths. Then I sit back down almost falling.

"Um, miss who changed me?" I question checking out the style of clothes people were in AoT.

"I did ma'am," she pauses, "If I may ask why where you still outside the walls after the evacuation?"

'Dang what do I say. I can't tell the truth but I don't want to lie to the person who helped me.' I shift a little showing that I was uncomfortable.

"Well I remember I was asleep on my bed then I woke up in the street quite a ways away from my house."

"Do you think your parents survived?" Whats up with her and questions.

"No I saw their dead bodies on the ground before I passed out." I lied, but I didn't want to, she made me don't blame me blame her.

Soon there was a knock on the door and she left as... wait why the hell is he here.

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