This IS a Dream... Right?

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A/N Hey guys so I redid Chapter: This IS a Dream... Right? Making it longer and better. Along with posting a new chapter. The pic is just to let you guys know some of the characters making an appearance. ENJOY!

Of course Levi was assigned to give me a quick run through on what I need to know in order to be a scout. 'Although I already know everything since I watched the anime like 5million times.' He has been glaring at me since I had messed with him in Hanji's office. He is a complete and utter butt munch.

Thinking about it they must be desperate for soldiers because it doesn't usually take a single day to train someone for the scouts. They go through the extreme training by Mr. Harda** and his sucky food. Maybe I'm special...


Chuckling at burn I glance around attempting to grasp what part of the series I have got placed in. Based on the talk of new cadets and lack of Eren I'd say Eren will show up soon. This really is a wacky dream.

The Sun beat down on my back as I ride Utsukush­ī Kyojin, horseback riding was my first lesson. Considering I grew up going to country summer camps I am pretty good. The other two are a Titans weak spot and how use 3DM Gear; both are things I learned quickly. If I was getting letter grades everything would be an A+.

'People say that one could dream a life time in a matter of minutes. Hopefully that won't happen to me.' I shake that thought off and continue riding. I have to work with what this dram has given me.

******Fast Forward*****

I am sitting on the roof as the cart full of recruits arrive. Some looked they just saw a Titan even though I know they couldn't have. Others looked like a kid on their birthday hardly able to sit still.

Grabbing my bad I rush to the dining hall to meet them. Through the large hallways, by the dorms, and down the stairs. I stare at the group of teens and young adults. I'm in a trance. It doesn't matter if this is a dream because this is heaven.

A pressure appears on my shoulder and a deep tired voice whispers in my ear, "So you are Levi's little pet." I squeak and turn around ready to slap a son of a biscuit. However I freeze when I see the blonde hair wrapped in a bun, thin brown eyes, and a caring smile. It was Eld Gin, Levi's second in command. By top favorite character.

My face went bright red as he leaned down to my face, "Aren't you the chick who magically was healed." I nod and slowly slide away. When I was a couple feet away I take off into the dining hall. Levi grabs my cloak and drags me to the front to stand by him.

The hell is going on.

He split everyone into groups of four; Sasha, Mikasa, a girl who looked like a lamb named Haruhi, and I were in one group. I feel bad for the three other girls, I think it is because Levi hates me, we got the room in the farthest back corner of the building. This means an extremely long walk to everything besides the bathroom.

The three girls were a couple paces ahead of me on our walk to the room, but I slowed my paces until they were yards away. Something felt extremely off about everything going on. I've never had such detailed dreams like this. It is confusing the hell out of me.

At this point I've stopped in the hall and have begun banging my head on the stone wall. Groaning I don't hear anything going on around me. A hand appears in front of my head and by head rested in it. Shocked I look to my side only to be staring at some fine collar bones. Following the muscles up the neck I find I am staring at Eren.

I take two hops back and begin rambling out excuses. He didn't seem to hear and of them as he pulls out a rag from his pocket and walks towards me. I wave by hands walking backwards. We must have been a hilarious sight because I'm walking backwards and he is following me getting extremely frustrated.

"Hey can you just stop for a second!" he shouts speeding up his pace.

"Um well I actually got to... um clean the... roof..." 'F**cking smooth Jade' Spinning on my heals I take off. I make it a couple yards before I feel the ground disappear from under my feet. I tripped. 'The hell legs'.

The light disappears from above me and I knew he finally caught up. I turn around and see a guy, who wasn't Eren, chuckling right above me. Leaning to see around this guy I see Eren walking away. 'Who is this freaking wall of a man?' I think as I look up, it was Gunther Schultz. His dark hair spiky as all get out.

Shaking my sore head I groan, "Well isn't this just the cat's meow," I reach a hand out, "If you are going to laugh you might as hell help my clumsy self up."

He grabs my small one pulling me up I only went up to his chest. I mentally face palm and look up. Whispering a "thank you" I take off for my room. So embarrassing.

The room was silent as I walked in all three girls had already claimed their bed. The one left was the bunk above Haruhi. I chuckle to myself, 'Wrong anime, Kiss Kiss Fall in Blood'. (Thank you ANIMEforLIFEBOI and RenzoTai for this lovely tidbit)

My chuckling subsided as the feeling of dread set in again. I want to wake up so bad, I miss my bed, my art supplies, and even the kids at school. This dream has been super cool however im actually extremely terrified.

Needing a distraction I pull out the journal from my bag. Opening to the first bag I am stunned. The book falls from my hands as I see my drawings. This is the journal I keep beside my bed at night. Leaning one the edge post I wave to Mikasa, "Did you get a journal?" She shakes her head no.

Not caring if this is a dream or not I roll out of the bunk and take off running. I dart out of the room, up the dark halls, and to Levi's offices' door. My breathing was unsteady and I could already feel a panic attack coming on.

Pounding my fist on the door I try to regulate my breathing, no luck. A deep voice shouts through the heavy door, "The hell, come in!"

I rush in and slam the journal down on his desk. No answer was received, only a cold glare. I need to get to the bottom of this. Why. How. Is this really a freaking dream.

"What the Hell do you want Jade," Levi growled from behind his desk. He grabs papers that I had scattered by slamming my journal down. Whoops I done messed up.

I slightly snicker as see him frustrated. Then I look him up and down. His steal eyes were surrounded by dark circles and his mouth was tugged into an irritated frown. I continue on with my quest, "Where did you..." I freeze as I see the rest of him.

He was currently in a skin tight cream colored muscle shirt that hugged him perfectly. His muscles were clearly visible up and down his body. Then his pants... I gulp and dart my innocent eyes back to his face. I thinks I lost my wholesome eyes. My cheeks must have looked like strawberries.

'IT WAS A DAMN TRAP!!!!' I try to continue, "Where d-did you g-g-get this hour-r-nal Sir," Damn my nervous stutter. Why did he have to be in boxers. Like the hell I didn't even know these existed back then.

Screw this midget.

He seemed to chuckle. 'He is a perverted pedo. He has to be.' He looks me up and down his face returning to its normal cold look, "Don't you know dummy, it was with you when we found you." He was having too much fun with me being embarrassed. He even dared to stand up and walk around his desk to show me out. He is a damn butt munch.

"Pedo," I whisper was I begin my embarrassed walk back to my room. Cheeks bright red, clutching my sleeves, and trying to think pure non murder thoughts. Then I realized... I didn't have my journal. Groaning I spin on my heels right in front of my rooms' door to begin the long walk back.

Just a quick in and out. I must have looked like a little school girl delivering a letter to Senpai. My hands clutched to my chest and a short stride. Wait no... not Senpai ew I can't not use that comparison. Not with him. Gross. Reaching the door I sneak in grab the journal and screw up his desk. I will teach Levi not to be a damn pedophile.

I dart out of the room craving sleep. Crawling into my bunk as soon as I get back I pass out. Who knew I could become so tired in a dream. Hopefully I wake up soon.

With that I end my first full day in this dream world.

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