Game Plan

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I quickly threw on my clothes, a baggy hooded tunic and knight pants. Braiding my hair into two tight braids I walk to the doorway. Standing outside was Eld, Jean, and connie.

I chuckle tossing Eld his shirt back. The two boys with raised brows walk past me and into the bath. The tall blond points at my bloody bra, "How are you feeling this morning."

Shrugging my shirt slides down my shoulder revealing I am now braless. "Yeah I'm good, well better than I was when that pedo.... I mean Levi left me," I need to try and get on Levi's good side if im ever going to get home.  I absent mindedly walk past him aiming to form a plan.

Step 1:
Work on getting on Levi's decent side.

Step 2:
Work my *ss off.

Step 3:
Assist Levi to kill to tians

Step 4:
Go home.

With my internal list completed I dash to the dining hall. Levi tends to get food early as to not deal with the cadets. As I burst through the doorway and see the midget eating some jerky and potatoes.

The bench space beside him empty I approach and straddle it, facing him. He just gives me an icy scoff. Brushing it off a lean in to his face, "Tell me what you desire and I will complete it."

He scoots back uncomfortable grabbing the jerky he goes to wash his dish. I follow. I keep asking as he cleans his dish. Walks the halls. Yells at Eren. Even when he went to the bathroom I wait outside the door.

Finally as we sit in his room, me on his bed and him at the bookshelf he sighs. Chucking a book at me he strides toward the bed. In an attempt to dodge the book I fall on my back. My eyes squint open to see Levi's face above mine.

"What desire to you wish to serve little girl. I can make you scream." He growls pulling me by my shirt.


I groan as I sit up my shirt messy and one boot lost somewhere. Levi smirks grabbing my leg and rolling over. His hands lay on either side of my head.

I cough as dirt flies around us. I lost again. Pinned to the ground. The score is 1/10. Levi is way better at wrestling than me I will admit that. His extra inch in height is very helpful apparantly.

I think Levi is taking my help as a way to punish me. He rises to his feet. He wasn't wearing the normal scouts uniform. It was a dark almost black tunic and matching pants. Dirt was almost invisible against it, yet he still dusted himself off.

Trying to get on Levi's good side may be hard but it needs to happen. Walking towards him I reach down snag his thigh and pull. He lands on his hand and kicks up. Blood flies through the air. Then a flash of black fills my vision.

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