She's Your Soulmate?

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AN: This scene was ripped directly out of Teen Wolf at the beginning, but it gets interesting once you get to the new parts. And, yes, Gabe's demeanour and dialogue are both HEAVILY inspired by Congratulations from Hamilton.




Setting: Morgue of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital

Trigger Warnings: Violence

Gabe shoves Nolan into the room.

Nolan: Liam's friends - You know they're coming, right?

Gabe (Condescendingly): (locking the door behind them both) Yeah. (Turns and walks toward Nolan) You led them right here. That's what we wanted. Monroe said you'd bring Liam here and the others would follow.

Nolan (Afraid): They knew?

Gabe (Disappointed, but not surprised): You did exactly what they said you would do.

Nolan (Accepting his fate at this point): So- So what are you gonna do?

Gabe: Exactly what I'm s'posed to do.

A beat. Gabe goes to punch Nolan, but the latter speaks up, an idea popping into his head.

Nolan (Quickly): (Flinches slightly) You sure you wanna do that?

Gabe (Now visibly irritated): Nolan, I'm a teenage delinquent with slight anger issues who's just been betrayed by his best friend; Why wouldn't I?

A beat. Nolan prepares himself for war.

Nolan: Because of Alice?

Gabe (Confused): Alice? What the f@#$ does she have to do with-

Nolan hastily rolls up his sleeve and shows Gabe his left wrist, showing the first words Alice said to him the day they met written in blue ink. Gabe realizes what's going on, and is shocked by the whole ordeal.

Gabe (Quietly, stunned): She's your soulmate?

Nolan: Yeah, she is.

A beat as Gabe processes this information.

Gabe (Now slightly angered): Nolan-

Nolan: I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner - And I would have - if I'd known how Alice felt about you and Katie-

Gabe (Growing angrier): It's not about that, Nolan. You're out here, running around with these supernatural freaks - RISKING YOUR LIFE, BY THE WAY - when you've got a girl like Alice - the BEST THING IN BOTH OF OUR LIVES - who'd rather die than live without you?! Do you know how hard losing you would be on her?!

Nolan (Trying to fight back, to no avail): She'd feel even worse if she lost you (A beat) And since when did she feel that way about me?

Gabe: I see the way she looks at you. She looks at you like you're the only guy she's ever laid eyes on; It's completely obvious she's madly in love with you, man!

A beat as Nolan realizes the gravity of the whole situation.

Nolan: Woah...

Gabe: You see the problem now, don't you?

Nolan (Guessing): ...She's your cousin?

Gabe (Calm, but only for a split second): Well - no - not that. Without the current circumstances, I'd be fine with it. The only thing is if you die, where does that leave her?!

Nolan: Alone?

Gabe (Breaking): Exactly! Listen, I know my cousin like I know my own mind; It's literally impossible to find anyone as kind or as trusting as her. (Getting worse) So tell me, Holloway, do you really want her ink to go red just as soon as she got it? 'Cause that's EXACTLY what's gonna happen if you keep going with those guys!

Nolan (Trying to calm Gabe down): Gabe-

Gabe (Completely distraught at this point): So, yeah, next time you try to sacrifice yourself "for the greater good", you do it for her! Not me, not Liam, HER!

A beat as Gabe curses under his breath. He's crying. This is a very rare occurrence, and Nolan knows this.

Nolan (Hesitant): Does this mean I'm still getting knocked out?

Gabe (Quiet, through tears): Yeah. But not to stop you from betraying the hunters. (Steps closer to Nolan) To stop you from hurting my family more than I already have.

Nolan nods his head, ready to take whatever may come his way. Gabe proceeds to punch Nolan over and over. Blood splatters. Nolan makes a desperate attempt at catching his breath. Gabe is too blinded by rage and distress to realize what consequences his violent ways may have later on. He goes in for the final blow. Before he does, he grabs Nolan by the collar and speaks to him.

Gabe (Through gritted teeth): You've invented a new kind of stupid, Nolan. Congratulations.

Gabe throws one final punch, knocking Nolan unconscious. He takes a few deep breaths, dries his eyes, and heads out the door.


(Original scene from Teen Wolf linked above)

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