The Ultimatum

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This chapter is short, but, much like the chapter about Aaron's hidden feelings for Katie, it is very lore heavy (and if it doesn't make y'all hate Monroe more than you already do, I don't know what will).

Also, I updated the face claim chapter if y'all wanna check that out (I had to find a new face claim for Josh again. They all wind up being problematic for some reason and it's not-).



Setting: Monroe's office, Beacon Hills High School

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of violence and death, threatening of loved ones' safety

We open in the midst of a conversation between Gabe and Monroe in the latter's office. Monroe has just informed Gabe that Nolan has betrayed the hunters and must be stopped before it's too late. Gabe is hesitant to agree with Monroe's plan, as it would involve hurting his best friend. He shifts nervously in his seat.

Gabe (subtly terrified): So... you want me to knock him out?

Monroe (menacingly confident): Exactly.

Gabe hesitates. Monroe speaks.

Monroe cont.: Listen, I know he's your best friend, and you don't want to hurt him, but, be honest with yourself; What other choice do you have?

Gabe: Isn't there some other way to deal with this?

Monroe: I could retract the favour and have you kill him instead.

Gabe (quickly): Oh, gosh no! I'd rather knock him out.

Monroe (smug): That's what I thought.

Gabe: Okay, but... of all people, why me? I mean, I'm sure Josh would knock him out in a heartbeat if you asked him to-

Monroe: Because Nolan is more likely to learn his lesson from his best friend rather than his enemy. (beat) Not to mention, if you go through with this, I'll know for sure that I can count on you.

Gabe: Didn't I already prove myself? Y'know, with Edgar?

Monroe: Putting that thing down was a start, yes, but for all I know, you may have just done it to put it out of its misery. If you do this simple task for me tonight, I'll know for certain that I can trust you.

Gabe: That- that sounds pretty convincing, but...

Gabe knows what he has to do now. Saving Nolan, in general, is a lost cause, but maybe Gabe doesn't have to be the one to knock him out.

Gabe cont.: Y'know, I wasn't gonna tell you this, but Nolan didn't shoot up Scott's house.

Monroe (emotionless): No?

Gabe: He didn't, no... but I did.

Gabe's revelation surprises Monroe, but she doesn't show it. Gabe, on the other hand, is shaking in his boots - or - shiny black business shoes.

Gabe cont: I knew you were gonna wanna get rid of Nolan at some point, and no one else was doing anything-

Monroe: So you shot up Scott's house and pinned the blame on Nolan to save him?

Gabe: Yeah - but I know you would've wanted someone to do something like that, so if that's not proving myself, then-

Monroe: You proved yourself as a friend, not a hunter.

Gabe goes pale, knowing his plan backfired on him.

Monroe cont.: Friends are great, don't get me wrong, but they do everything but help in times like these.

Beat. Monroe gets an idea - a cunning, morally awful idea.

Monroe: I'll give you an ultimatum: You do this for me, and all will be well. If you choose to let that traitor walk free - well - let's just say I can't guarantee Alice and that soulmate of yours will live through the war.

Gabe (startled and terrified): Wait, "soulmate"-?

Monroe: Oh, yes. Brett told me all about that day with you and Katie Davis in the library. You seemed to hit it off right away. After I found out, I was going to have her killed immediately, (beat) but then I figured I could use her life as an incentive for you down the line - in addition to your cousin's of course.

Gabe stares off into space, thinking over his options very carefully? Is he really about to choose between his best friend and his family/love of his life?

Monroe cont.: So, how about it, Gabriel?

Beat. Gabe knows what he has to do now.

Gabe (reluctantly): Fine. I'll do it.

Monroe smiles in a sinister way, knowing she has won the mental warfare once again. We cut to black.


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