Scalpel Gate

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Characters (In order of appearance):






Setting: Library of Beacon Hills High School

Trigger Warnings: Violence, sharp object

Edgar hastily and nervously enters the library where students are studying at the tables, Katie being one of them. Edgar enters one of the back isles, clearly hiding from something. A moment passes before Aaron and Gabe enter as well. The students, except for Katie, all refuse to make eye contact with either of the boys. They swagger down to where Edgar is hiding. As Edgar is about to calm down and go about his day, he comes face to face with Gabe. Edgar freezes like a deer in headlights for a moment, then quickly turns to head in the other direction, away from Gabe, before coming face to face with Aaron. Seeing the commotion, Katie quickly stands up, sneaks over and somehow manages to pick-pocket a scalpel from the pocket of Aaron's pants without anyone seeing it. She hastily goes back to her table and looks on, knowing what's about to happen.

Edgar (Slightly intimidated): I know what you guys are doing.

Gabe: Then cooperate.

Some students pack their books, get up and leave in a hurry. Katie, having Aaron's scalpel, stays behind. Aaron reaches into his pocket for the said scalpel, only to realize it's not in there anymore. He then pats his pockets frantically, before realizing-

Aaron (Not so tough now): Oh gosh.

Gabe: What is it?

Aaron: I- I can't find my scalpel.

Gabe: You just put it back in your pocket! How did you lose it?

Aaron: I don't know! I clearly remember putting it back in my pocket after I clea-

Katie stands to confront Aaron.

Katie (Smugly): Looking for this, @$$hole?

Aaron whips around, only to see Katie dangling his scalpel in front of him from a few feet away. Edgar tries to sneak off, but Gabe holds him back.

Aaron (Deeply annoyed): Give me my scalpel, Katie.

Katie (Comically): For you to cut people with it? No way! Besides, do you know how many diseases could be on this thing? I mean, let's face it, we're in a school full of hormonal teenagers; There's no way there's not at least ONE STD on here!

Aaron: I know, that's why I sterilized it with a Lysol wipe before coming in here!

Katie: Lysol? Really? Then how do you explain the bloodstains-

Aaron (Getting tired of the bullcrap to the point where he's willing to LIE about the bloodstains): Those aren't bloodstains, now GIVE ME MY FRICKING SCALPEL, DAVIS!

Gabe (To Katie): If it makes you feel any better, it's for a good cause.

Katie freezes slightly as she feels the soulmate words on her wrist turn from black to blue.

Katie (Coming to her senses, but now slightly shook, to Gabe): W- Well good cause my @$$!

The same thing happens to Gabe. Holding onto Edgar, who is struggling to get free, to no avail, he briefly looks down to see his wrist had turned a royal blue and a small smile flickers on his face. Edgar, desperately wanting to distract him, points this out.

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