Finding Charlie (Pt. 2 of "Aftermath)

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AN: This chapter doesn't have all that much to do with the existing Teen Wolf characters other than Gabe, but I thought I'd post this anyway because I wanted to do a follow-up to Charlie "going missing" (aka, everyone assuming he wandered off when he just went to the bathroom).

Please enjoy.

Edit: Because Gabe and Nolan originally went off together to find Charlie, let's just assume they split up at some point. I just noticed that plot inconsistency now, but I don't think Nolan's presence would make much of a difference here anyway.



Setting: Morgue, Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, PM, just after the final battle

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, terrified lost child.

Josh and Joey are talking in the morgue. Joey has just broken the news of Brian's death to Josh.

Josh (In disbelief): So... Franklin's dead?

Joey (Solemn): Yeah. Monroe killed him.

A beat as Josh processes this information.

Josh: Well, I mean, if he had connections with the supernatural, it was probably for the best...

Joey: Yeah. (Small beat) It still kinda sucks though, when you think about it. I mean, he didn't even know about that (Thinking) thing- What was it called again?

Josh: Valet said something about an "Anuk-Ite" the other night. That must be it.

Joey: Yeah, that. There's no way Brian could have known.

Josh (Trying to make light of the situation): D*mn, I think that thing had us all fooled. It honestly deserves an Oscar for playing both Carmichael AND Finch so well.

Joey: See because I would say that, only it would probably freeze the audience during its acceptance speech.

The boys laugh a little bit (Oh sh********t... They're really joking at a time like thiiiiis-). Meanwhile, Charlie creeps into the room, visibly upset.

Charlie: Excuse me?

The boys turn around and see him standing in front of the door. Both are very much concerned for the little boy. Concern is somewhat of a new feeling for Josh in particular.

Joey (Concerned, as if talking to a child because obviously): Hey kid. What're you doing here? It's too dangerous to be wandering around the hospital alone, especially at a time like this.

Charlie: Have any of you seen a blonde woman named Susan around here?

Josh: No, we haven't actually. I assume she's your mommy?

Charlie (Relieved that he's getting somewhere with this): Yeah! I just went to use the bathroom and when I came out she was gone. So were my auntie, uncle, cousin and a bunch of other people.

Joey: They're probably out looking for you.

Charlie: They were all in the waiting room. Mommy went up to the front desk just before I left for the bathroom. My sister, Alice, got hurt and we needed to come see her-

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