The Aftermath

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Setting: Waiting room, Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, PM, just after the final battle

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of parental abandonment, mentions of violence.

As Liam, Theo, Corey and Mason sit in the waiting room, discussing what's next amongst themselves, Gabe nervously paces back and forth, waiting to hear of the fate of his cousin, Alice, who'd been grazed by a stray bullet just thirty minutes prior. He is terrified out of his mind for her.

Theo: You doing alright, Valet?

Gabe (Sarcastically, losing his mind): Oh yeah, I'm just fine! Yeah, it's not like my cousin just got shot and will probably have to suffer through a lifetime of trauma. Yeah, no, I'm just fine!

Liam: Y'know, call me crazy, but you don't sound fine.

Gabe: Yea, no sh*t, Sherlock!

Nolan walks in, grabbing everyones attention.

Gabe (Relieved): Nolan!

Nolan: Hey, Gabe, listen, I-

Before Nolan can finish his sentence, Gabe pulls into a tight hug and starts sobbing.

Gabe (Sobbing): I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry...

Nolan (Breaking): Nah, man, it's my fault. I didn't tell you about Alice-

Gabe: No, dude, I was a bad friend. Nothing could compare to that.

A beat as they let go.

Gabe: Anyway, how is she? Alice.

Nolan: Melissa said she's looking at a full recovery.

Gabe (Even more relieved): Oh, thank goodness! I was worried sick - (Quickly remembering his cousinly duty) Oh, and, speaking of Alice, I need to give you the talk.

Nolan: The talk?

Gabe: Yeah. It's called the "Brother-Boyfriend Talk", but I don't think Lil' C's gonna sit you down and mildly threaten to open a can of whoop-*ss on you under given circumstances.

Mason: "Lil' C"?

Gabe: It's the nickname my family gave Alice's little brother, Charlie. (To Nolan) Anyway, Katie's brother gave me the exact same talk when he found out about me, and since Alice is like my little sister, I thought I'd pass down the tradition.

Nolan: Alright, Fire away.

Gabe and Nolan sit across from each other. The other four boys listen eagerly.

Gabe (Somewhat sternly): Okay, so, to begin, I know you were never the type to be a heartbreaker, and I know you well enough to trust you with Alice. However, I gonna say this anyway, just to be safe: If you break her heart, or hurt her in any way shape or form, I do not care how long we've been friends; I WILL come for your kneecaps, is that understood?

Nolan (Meaning every word): Don't worry. I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than hurt her, or be like my dad in any way.

Theo (Out of curiosity): Wait, what happened with your dad?

Liam (Slightly offended): Oh my gosh, Theo. You can't just ask him what happened with his dad!

Nolan: It's okay Liam, I- it's about time I start opening up about it.

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