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By the time Robin and I got to the mall entrance, we were laughing and skipping like a bunch of weirdos. It definitely got us some weird and almost scared looks from people, but we didn't care.

I brought her over to my bike, "Oh yeah, I forgot, I don't have a car yet," I was slightly embarrassed at this fact.

"Hey, it's okay, I don't have a car yet either," Robin smiled at me.

"Oh, okay, well would you like to ride my bike with me, or just walk?"

"How am I supposed to ride the bike with you?" Robin had a confused look on her face.

I took my bike from it's spot and got on it, "Okay, so you stand there on those metal pipe things," I pointed at them, "And hang onto my shoulders," I looked up at her to make sure she understood.

"Oh, okay, yeah," she nodded and got on. I blushed when I felt her hands on my shoulders.

"Okay, so if you need me to pull over tap my shoulder three times, if I need to slow down, tap my shoulder twice, got it?" Robin nodded again, "Okay, let's go!"

I started pedaling. Eventually, we left the mall. I loved the feeling of riding my bike with Robin. I don't know what it was about it, but I really enjoyed it.

When we pulled to my house, I parked and waited for Robin to get off, when she did, I also got off.

"That, was," she paused, "Amazing." she smiled at me.

"It really was," I smiled back.

We walked towards my door, "Okay, you know Spanish, right?"

"Yeah, I learned it freshman year, and I'm still doing my best to stay consistent with it," that made me happy. Spanish was my first language, and it was such a beautiful language.

"Okay, do you think you could talk to my mom in Spanish? She'll probably trust you more if you do," I hoped she would.

"Yeah I can do that," she smiled widely.

We walked in, "Hola mamá," (Hi mom), I hoped she wouldn't scare Robin away.

"Hola Señora Stokes, mi nombre es Robin," (Hi Mrs. Stokes, my name is Robin), Robin smiled and waved at my mom.

My moms face lit up, "Hola Robin, como estas?" (Hi Robin, how are you?)

"Estoy muy bien en realidad, ¿cómo estás tú?" (I'm really good actually, how are you?) Robin didn't have the best accent, but she was doing pretty good so far.

"Soy buena," (I'm good) I decided to stop their conversation before we were stuck looking at my baby pictures or something.

"Está bien, mamá, Robin y yo estaremos en mi habitación si necesitas algo," (Alright mom, Robin and I will be in my room if you need anything) I grabbed Robin's hand and brought her to my room. When we got there I realized I was still holding her hand so I dropped it. "Oh, sorry," I felt my face get really hot.

Robin smiled and spoke softly, "Honestly, I really didn't mind it," she looked up at me. I couldn't meet her eyes. I knew my face must have been extremely red at this point.

"Aw shit, I forgot about the ice cream for my mom," I sighed. I had left it in the bike basket.

Robin laughed, "Hmm, you must've been distracted," she smiled and I watched as her eyes went down to my lips. I tried to ignore it.

"Umm, so is it alright if I order pizza?" It was then when I realized how close we were standing to each other. I looked down into her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah that's perfect, have you tried Dominos? It's my favorite place to get pizza from," she smiled and pleaded with her eyes.

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