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a/n: UH HI GUYS!! i did not mean to go on hiatus for over a month, im so sorry 😭😭, i'll try to get back to writing now! thanks for all the support! i came back to 1k views which is crazy. i'm sorry for making you wait so long, but here is another part. finally, enjoy

I took one of the Toaster Strudels and tried it. It was actually really good, there was this vanilla icing on top that made them delicious. "These are actually really good Robin, thank you."

"I know, they're like my favorite things, ever."

We ate our breakfast and watched about half of the Care Bear movie. Then, we heard Steve outside.

"Well, I guess the dingus is here," I sighed.

"Yep," I grabbed my bag and we headed out to Steve's car.

"Hey there ladies," Steve smiled as we walked out.

"Oh shut up Steve." Robin rolled her eyes.

"Hi Steve," I smiled.

"Would you like to sit up front with me?" Steve smiled.

I knew it would probably piss Robin off, "Yeah, I would love to."

She scoffed, "Wow, thanks guys."

"What? Did you want to sit up front?" Steve asked.

"No, but I wanted to sit by my," she paused. "girlfriend."

I wasn't sure how he would react, but Steve just smiled, "Oh true, but I also want to sit by your girlfriend."

I smiled, "You know, school starts tomorrow so I think I'll go ahead and sit by the dingus, he might now get to see as much of me after today" we got into the car.

Robin smiled, and then frowned, "Steve, do you think that Adrian is going to be popular?"

Steve shrugged, "I mean, there's a good possibility. When we hung out with Nance those few times, the two of them really clicked."

Robin sighed, and then leaned forward to see me better, "You better not ditch me for the popular kids."

I smiled and patted her head, "I could never ditch my little band nerd."

She rolled her eyes and blushed a bit, "Yeah, whatever, we'll see how it plays out."

"Steve, will you take me by my house? I need to get stuff to swim in."

"Yeah, sure."

I told him the directions to my house, and he drove us there.

I quickly ran in told my mom hello and explained to her what was going on, and she said okay before I went to my room and pulled out a bikini and shorts and a t-shirt. I didn't really feel like wearing a bikini in front of Steve, I feel like he would (not trying to be weird of course) look at my body, and Robin would notice, which would just cause an argument, and I didn't want that to happen.

I said bye to my mom, and ran back to Steve's car, I got in and Robin smiled, "How do you run so gracefully, Stokes?"

I laughed, "Wait, what do you mean?"

"Well, I can't run, like at all, and you just ran all the way to the car like some super model or something."

"Oh, well I guess I'm just a better runner than you, Buckley."

Steve laughed, "Everyone's a better runner than her."

I looked at Steve, I had honestly forgotten that he was even here.

He started the car and began to drive, "Wait, where am I going?"

"Like a river or stream, or somewhere we can swim without a lot of people being there."


We drove for a little while, when we stopped at a river, Steve immediately got out, took off his shirt and stood by the cliff where we could jump in at, "Ew, remind me why we have to see that all day?"

Robin laughed lightly, "He's the only person we know that can drive."

I smiled, "Are you ready to go out there?" She bit her lip and looked down towards the ground, "Hey, what's up?" she didn't answer, "Robin, please look at me," I lightly lifted her chin up.

"Well, I'm really stupid and I didn't bring a shirt or shorts to go over my bikini, and I'm even more stupid because I wore jean shorts and a jacket and so I'm not going to want to wear those after I get out of the water. Also, I really don't want Steve seeing me in a bikini, because that's embarrassing."

I grabbed her hands, "Robin, it's okay, would you want to wear my clothes?"

She looked at me, "What? No, I don't want Steve seeing you in a bikini either."

I took off the shirt I was wearing, "Okay fine, you wear the shirt, I'll wear the shorts, deal?"

She smiled, "Deal."

We got out of the car, "Race you to Steve?"

"No! I'll trip and fall!" she practically screamed.

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh, fine," we walked to Steve.

"What took you guys so long?"

"Shut up Steve," I smiled and patted his head.

He gave me a weird look, "Oh, okay."

"Want to jump in?" I looked at both of them.

"What if it's cold?" Robin asked.

"It will be easier to get used to it if we jump in," I smiled, and grabbed her hand I walked backwards a few seconds and then started running.

"Adrian stop, I'm gonna fall!" she yelled while laughing.

We got to the water and jumped in together. I always loved jumping into water, the feeling of free falling even for a split second was exhilarating. Then crashing through the water. It was amazing.

When we broke service I put my arms around Robin and smiled, "See love, you didn't fall, I had you," I smiled.

"Oh, whatever," she rolled her eyes.

I kissed her, and then Steve jumped into the water, "Steve, you're so annoying."

He smiled, "I know."

a/n: hi guys. sorry this was short. i'm going to do my best to start writing again, but no promises. also, someone brought up the idea of writing smut, i've never really tried it, but if that's something multiple of you would like, i will try my best :)

girlfriends || robin buckleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon