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We all ended up sitting in the floor, I obviously sat in between them. Now, there was tension in the room, but I had no idea why. Robin and Steve were staring daggers at each other.

Eventually the movie ended and Steve was the first to talk, "Adrian, do you like boobs?"

I was caught off guard on that question, "What do you mean?"

"I dunno, I mean Robin likes boobs, I like boobs, do you like boobs?"

Robin smacked his shoulder, "You can't go around telling people that I like boobs Dingus."

He looked at her, "You're telling me Adrian doesn't know you like boobs?"

"No, she knows, but you can't just say that," she smacked him again.

"I knew you already told her so that's why I told her," Steve turned back to me, "So do you like boobies? Or do you like penis?"

"Ewww stop, don't say that," Robin hit him harder this time.

"Ow! Will you stop doing that?" he rubbed his shoulder, "What do you mean boobs or penis?"

"No! Boobs is a beautiful word!"

"So you don't want me saying penis?" he threw his hands in the air, "I have a penis, and most women like penises!"

"Are you being homophobic right now? I mean are you saying I'm disgusting for not being like 'most women' huh Steve?" Robin looked at him quizzically and offended.

"What? No.. No no no no no, I. I am not homophobic. I love the gays." he looked at her.

"I dunno," she teased him.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever Robin. Adrian," he turned back to me, "Do you like boobs?" The look on his face told me he was really hoping I would say no.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "I'm sorry Steve," was all I could say.

I watched as his face fell, "Oh, it's, it's alright," then he laughed, "I think my love life is hopeless now. The two girls I've most recently fallen for only like girls. Wow," he paused, "I wish I was a lesbian right now."

I scooted closer to him and hugged him as best as I could since we were still on the floor, "I'm so sorry Steve," I felt the tears build up in my eyes.

He held onto me, "Hey, you don't need to be sorry, I'm proud of you for being yourself." That made a few tears roll down my cheeks. Steve was so sweet.

Robin came over and wiped my tears away, "There's no need to cry Stokes, Steve isn't actually a homophobe," she grabbed my hand.

"Yeah, I'm totally cool with all that homo shit," he smiled at me and nodded.

I giggled softly, "I just feel bad, I mean I want to like you Steve, I really do," I tried to go on but Robin finished the sentence for me.

"But no matter how hard you try, you can't find the attraction there," she looked down at the floor, "Freshman and sophomore year, I spent my time trying to find Steve 'The Hair' Harrington attractive. What was the big deal? I never figured it out," she laughed, "Luckily, last year I finally stopped being an idiot and realized I liked girls."

Steve sighed, "What can I say, I guess Steve isn't good enough for the lesbians," Robin and I both smacked the back of his head, "Ow! Stop hitting me!" he whined.

"Well Steve, you should go now, and let the lesbians be alone," Robin smiled at him.

"Steve doesn't have to go just yet," I still felt really bad.

Steve sighed and got up, "No, Robin's right, I should go home now," he paused, "We can still hang out though, right?"

I smiled and stood up, "Yeah Steve, of course we can still hang out."

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