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We made our way to the park, and found a nice, shady spot under a large tree. I laid out a blanket I had brought from home. It had little sun patterns on it. Then, I set the basket on top of the blanket and sat down. Robin was still standing, so I patted a spot next to me so she would know to sit down there.

She sat down and smiled, "This is really nice Adrian, thank you."

"Of course," I smiled back at her. I started to set out all of the food we brought. Robin was quietly humming a song to herself while fiddling with her rings. I smiled, as much as she wanted to deny it, she was adorable. I watched her for awhile. I mean who wouldn't.

She looked up at me and abruptly stopped humming, "What?"

I smiled, "Nothing, nothing at all, are you ready now?"

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No! Robin, I would never," I smiled, "Okay, maybe I would, but I'm not, I promise."

"Hmm, okay, sure, but yes I am ready."

I scooted a little closer to her, "Alright, what do you want on your sandwich?" she told me, and I made her a sandwich. Then, I made my sandwich. "Oh, and here," I handed her a water bottle.

She smiled and took it, "Thanks," she ate a couple of bites of her sandwich before turning back towards me and smiling.

We mostly ate in silence, with a few stolen glances here and there. After we were done eating, I packed up our food leaving the waters out. Then, we both laid down on the blanket.

Robin looked at me and smiled, "So, can I hear your 'how I found out I was a lesbian' story? You know mine now."

I frowned, "Ummm," I paused.

"You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable," she put her hand on top of mine.

I smiled at her, "No, I'll tell you," I sighed, not even my mom knew this story, "Um, at my old school, I had this best friend, her name was Sarah," I looked up to see if Robin was paying attention, "Um, and at my old school I was never really interested in having a boyfriend, I always told myself that I didn't have time, or that I needed to focus on school work."

Robin interrupted, "No, you're just gay," we both laughed at that.

"But one night, I stayed at Sarah's house and everything was going fine, until nighttime, when she came to me and asked if I wanted to kiss her," I paused remembering the situation, "I wanted to, but I didn't want to tell her that, she told me it would be okay so we kissed, I'm sure it didn't mean anything to her, but it meant something to me, and I realized I wanted a relationship with her, and my feelings I had towards her were the real reason why I didn't have time for a boyfriend," I laughed to myself, "It was stupid really, to expect someone to want a relationship after a simple kiss but."

She interrupted again, "I mean, I don't think it's stupid," she shrugged.

"It was stupid then, I mean she ended up telling literally everyone in the school and they all called me all these rude names, and just being horrible towards me, which wasn't that bad at first, but it eventually kept getting worse and worse until, I convinced my mom to move us somewhere else, and now I'm here. And honestly now that I'm talking about this I'm realizing that it's happening again. I kissed a girl at a sleepover and now, after this, you're probably going to never talk to me again and tell everyone in town that I like girls, and then they'll hate me and I'll have to move again," I cut myself off because I realized I was rambling. "Sorry."

She laid her head on my shoulder and softly kissed my jawline, "You don't need to be sorry Adri. I would never out you to anyone or pressure you into outing yourself. That's something you do or don't do on your own. And don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," she smiled, "I'm here to stay. Also, I'm here to wait."

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