Chapter 10| Wyatt

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"And in first place for the girl's junior elite gymnastics team, is Keely Short!" The announcer says into his microphone as Keely goes and steps up on the first place platform. Everyone cheers for her, but my family is the loudest.

The top three girls bow and then it moves onto the top three boys. We clap for the two boys in third and second place, but we're mainly waiting for Riley to get first place. He has to, he got almost perfect scores every time.

"And I'm first place for the boy's junior elite gymnastics team, is Riley Trone!"

Everyone claps again, my family being the loudest. Riley and Keely both always get first place. They're the best in their teams.

After the competition, Keely and Riley come hugging us all. "You two did so good!" I say hugging Keely and Riley.

"Thanks! I was worried I wouldn't place after I screwed up a bit on my floor routine." Keely says, then frowns.

"Oh please, you forgot on simple move, and just freestyled a really hard move, that was genius Keels!" Riley says then hugs Keely.

"Yeah, but coach was mad I didn't stick to routine."

"Screw the coach Keels, you got first place." Noah says.

"Ok, you're right. I did get first place! And Riley did too!!" Keely throws her arms around Riley, and rocks back and forth.

"Good job sunshine." He says patting her back.

"Right back at ya raincloud."

Everyone chats with each other as we go home, and then everyone spreads throughout the house. Well, until there's a knock on the front door.

"Wyatt, go get the door." River mumbles tossing some popcorn into his mouth as he continues watching Dance Moms.

"Why me? You go get the door." I grumble. There is some major drama going down here, I cannot leave my girls alone for a minute.

"Wyatt!" River groans.

"River." I groan back.

"Hey, did I hear a knock?" Noah asks sitting beside me, his DS in his hand, playing Cooking Mama.

"Yeah. Go answer the door buddy." I say, shooing him off with my hand.

"Ugh, why me?"

"Because you're the youngest." River says, like that explains everything.

"Lazy jerks." Noah grumbles going and answering the door.

"Hey bud!" A familiar voice says happily.

"CHRIS!!!" Noah yells.

"Can it short stack! The drama is going down!" River yells.

"Oh wow, so this is how you treat us." Chris says, I could just hear Chris's eye roll when he said that.

"MEL!!!" Noah yells.

"Guys, shut up!" River whines, turning up the volume on the tv.

"Are you two watching Dance Moms?" Chris asks, but then answers his own question. "Ok, I take back everything I thought. Respect dude bros." Chris then says.

"Christian!" Mom says happily, meaning dad's not too far behind.

"Hey mama."

"Boys, say hi to your brother." Dad says.

"No can do dad. Chloe's about to go on stage." River says.

"River..." dad warns.

"Fine! Ugh such a buzzkill dad." River jokes pausing the tv. With the tv now paused I go and hug Chris and Mel.

"Where's Keels?" Chris asks, looking around.

"Oh, she and Riley are talking in her bedroom. Seemed serious." Dad shrugs. "So, ready for the baby to be born yet?"

Mel shakes her head. "No. Yeah, I want them born, but I still haven't even seen the shape of the baby yet. They just look like a fried shrimp. I'm not even showing yet. I want to experience more of the pregnancy before giving birth."

"I still can't wait to be an uncle." I say grinning. "I'll be the bestest uncle ever."

"Sorry bud, that's my title." River says shoving a hand on my face, pushing me behind him as he gives Mel another hug.

"Actually, I think Mel's brother's gonna be the bestest uncle." Chris says smirking.

"You mean the hotshot Tony?" Noah groans.

"You should give the baby my middle name!" I say grinning.

"We don't know if we're having a boy or girl yet." Chris says giving me a look.

"Psh, Tyson is a unisex name." I roll my eyes. I'd name my daughter Tyson.

"Wyatt, never become a parent."

"Sorry, I already plan to have a big family. Start having kids young." I say, if I want a bunch of kids, I need to start having kids young.

"Ha, and what are you gonna do? Have a kid now?" Chris laughs to himself.

"I could take care of a baby at this age." I say putting my hands on my hips. I totally could!

"Yeah right." Chris rolls his eyes, but I find myself wanting a baby now, to show him I could do it...

Challenge accepted Chris.

Hey tic tacs.

Sorry it's short and boring. It's just a filler chapter.

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