23. scared screamless

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RINGO WHEELER HAD CERTAINLY SEEN kinder days. The effects of her recent break from Steve, as well as a short stint in Hawkins jail cell, had begun to take its physical toll on the blonde. Her hair was akin to a birds nest, piled on top of her head to form somewhat of a bun but really resembled one giant knot. Her skin had begun to breakout, and the dark circles beneath her eyes had left her looking a lot older than she actually was. It was all too familiar of a sight to last year while she was still working at Charlie's Convenience Store.

Julia's reaction when they finally arrived home after an awkward car ride with Steve was a lot gentler than she expected. It had taken the journey for Julia to realise that Ringo's outburst was not only fuelled by unresolved shame from her past and an overprotectiveness of Sunny, but by problems in her relationship that seemed to suggest it was at breaking point. Her punishment for the garden incident had simply resulted in Ringo spilling everything to her mother, who understood completely and held her while she sobbed her heart out.

Although Julia wouldn't say it out loud, and that Ringo would never actually blame her for it, she knew it was likely partially her fault that Ringo had such negative views on marriage after witnessing her own go down the drain.

A knock on the door sounded through the room, Ringo letting out a small huff before calling for the visitor to 'come in'. She hadn't expected to see a trio of people, especially since that same trio was a group she had been actively avoiding since the now infamous 'break.'

"Hey girl," Jessica greeted tentatively, crossing the room and sitting carefully down at the edge of her bed, Robin and Ben following slowly afterward. They were all walking on eggshells around her, and it bothered her to no end.

"We brought you pizza!" Ben announced cheerily, revealing the box.

"At 11 in the day?" Ringo forced a smile, dragging herself to sit up in bed.

"As time is a social construct and social constructs are out the window during this grievous time as we mourn the loss of Hawkin's finest couple-" Robin was cut off mid-ramble by a wide eyed look from her girlfriend. "...long story short we thought it wouldn't matter right now."

"I probably shouldn't be eating greasy foods right now, I've had this killer headache and it just won't go away," Ringo sighed resolutely, but opened the box nevertheless to pick up a slice. Her headache could also have been caused by stress and lack of sleep but those were two things she wasn't going to resolve any time soon.

"Your mom told me you're not eating as much..." Ben admitted, almost guiltily, as he seemed ashamed that they'd been having a discussion about her behind her back.

"You talk to my mom?" Ringo questioned in confusion, chewing through the slice as her stomach grumbled. She really had been hungry.

"Yeah! Your mom calls to check in, she said she's worried that I'm a prime bullying target and wants to make sure I'm defending myself."

"Well clearly, what's this shirt you're wearing?" Jessica asked, gesturing to the strange logo on the front of Ben's outfit.

"Oh it's from the Hellfire club!" He exclaimed animatedly. "It's a Dungeons and Dragons club at school. We all meet up to plan and play campaigns, it's a lot of fun."

"Is Dustin part of that team perchance?" Ringo asked, receiving a nod in response as she recalled a phone call from the very same boy a day prior, begging her to be a replacement for a missing member in their campaign that night.

Under typical circumstances she'd have jumped at the opportunity, if not to use it as a chance to relentlessly tease Mike. But she was feeling out of sorts that week.

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