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considering i had shortly pulled away, yet already missing her touch. jinsoul always did have that effect on me. a glistening effect i'd rather not like to remember. i graze my hand against my neck, reminiscing about how her soft lips touched my skin not so long ago. nobody could replace the repetitive sight of her. " jungeunie?" yerim called for me, pushing me out of a dream like state. yet, in the corner stands jinsoul, looking straight towards me. specifically, staring at my lips.

(어디부터가 시작인지 모른대도) Even if I don't know where it started

as soon as we arrived to the party of the "infamous" volleyball players Han Eunji and Yu Jimin personally i don't know why i'm here considering jimin is the reason me and jinsoul aren't together. let's just say jimin loves to be touchy with things that don't belong to her, and jinsoul has an attention span of a fucking fish and allows shit to happen.

i feel someone softly tap the pad of my shoulder. i turned around slowly, "oh fuck me" speak of the literal devil. "jungie, funny seeing you.. here of all places." jimin irritatingly says quickly batting away the disgusted look on her face. "well it's a small town jimin, considering you are the girl who put tongue down jinsoul's throat." i say with a sarcastically sweet voice, slowly dropping my smile as i finish.

i feel somebody slowly kiss my neck, remembering the scent. "hi sooyoungie." i said growing a grin at the redheaded girl. yes me and sooyoung are .. a thing, but it's just that i confided in her when i saw jimin and jinsoul. so am i really the bad guy here. being with sooyoung, still pains me. considering me and jiwoo were close, like since kindergarten close. i just had to get my revenge.

as jimin walks off she purposely bumps into me. "watch where you're going bitch!" i call out to her spitefully, my eyes glistening with anger. jimin turn and came straight up to me looking down at me, "what the fuck did you just call me?" jimin asks her eyes suddenly going dark. "i said watch where you're going you dirty bitch-" i suddenly felt a slap to my face. i heard multiple people gasp from a distance.

i swung up at her face, hitting her with a right hook. the impact making her face a little red, i grabbed a fist full of her and slammed her down inching on top of her. that and me hitting direct hits at the center of her face. all she could do is scratch at me, and yes that shit stung. yet it just made my adrenaline rush even more, thinking back to my relationship with soul.. how someone could mess up my love life.. how someone could fuck up my happiest moments. thinking back on how loved i felt, and how once person could make that disappear.

i never stopped throwing hits, as they were yet to stop. i feel some pulling on me to get off her, they just kept coming, as my tears starting forming. i hear someone in the background screaming my name. "jungeun, jungeun stop you're gonna kill her!" the unknown person spoke, begging me, and finally pulling me off. as the person fell i fell down with them, it was jinsoul. "now what if that bitch presses charges?" jinsoul said chuckling trying to get a laugh out of me.

she got up first and stretched her hand out into my reach, but no sooyoung comes in and bumps into her pushing into jiwoo. "jungeun, are you alright?" sooyoung says worryingly as she hugs me tightly. i close my eyes trying to enjoy the moment while it lasts, opening them to stare straight at .. jinsoul. her eyes seemed to sadden at the sight of it, and for some reason so did mine.

(밤을 물들여 yeah) It colors the night, yeah


i never knew how jiwoo hurt, until now. staring at their bodies close together, sooyoung's tight grasp on jungeun, my jungeun?! i couldn't stand it, how could jungeun, why would jungeun. she'd never try to understand my story, guess she never will. i went up the stairs of eunji's house.. second floor.. third door to the right.

opening the door to see two women on the bed making out. is that.. haseul? and .. student vice president vivi! " oh goddd, haseul take this somewhere elsee." i said covering my eyes but looking through the crack of my index and middle finger. what can i say, chicks be hot. "can't you see that we're busy jung ?" haseul said, very annoyed at this point. "well damn, my bad pres didn't know it was that serious" i said, winking and closing the door.

well onto the next i guess. i came across another door, second floor.. fifth door to the right. i sighed before going in, but somebody decided to grab the door handle as i did. "can't you see i was here.. first." i said and looked up surprised to see her. "oh jungeun.." i said smiling. "oh thank god, just the person i was looking for, can we talk just this once soul?" jungeun said hopefully, silently and secretly crossed her fingers. " yea sure, if that's what you want." i said and opened the door. thank god no one here.

i sat down on the bed as it slightly creeks, patting a seat next to me for jungeun to sit. jungeun came over yet sat a tad bit closer than expected. i looked down at my shoes as well sat in silence. "so what did you need to talk to me about that was so important?" i asked breaking the silence. i saw jungeun slightly jump in surprisement. i chuckled lowly and looked towards her direction, even with scratches on her face she still looked absolutely admiring, slowly making me bite my lip.

"why are you looking at me like that?" jungeun said flustered and hit my arm playfully. i always had that impact on her. just from a look, she would fold. well what can i say, i consider myself very charming. " i don't know eunie .. you're just very.. and i mean very beautiful." i said looking her up and down, tilting my head. eunie the first official nickname i gave her as her partner.

jungeun's eyes were filled with want, her lips pouting, yearning for their lips to touch. "jinsoul why do you tease?" jungeun whined, shaking her head. "you know why, you're not mine baby.." i said leaning closer, our noses touching. "i can be, but just for tonight.."

(소리를 따라 따라 달려가는 너와 (뒤따라가) Following the sound, we're running, you and me (following)

(깊이 깊이 깊어져 가는 비밀 (빠져들어)The secret is getting deeper and deeper (falling)

(비에 젖어 젖어 가는 공기에 (짙어져 )The air is getting wet with the rain (thicker)

(Hey 짙어져 너와 나의 모든 )Hey, it's getting thicker, everything about you and me

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