Season 1 episode 10-locket

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Reece is fifteen year old boy he is apart of a upcoming band called stereo kicks they were formed on X Factor one year and on tour he met the most beautiful girl he has seen in his life and today was their date. He was really excited to see her again, but also really nervous for their date he just wants to make a good impression because he believes she has probably had lots of boyfriends and he has only had one.
It is five in the evening he has an hour until he meets Grace for his date so he gets into the shower After he was dry he got his boxers and deodorant he blow dried his hair and styled it with some hair wax into a tidy quiff. After that was done he put on his white shirt and black skinny jeans then grabbed some sock put them on and his shoes. He got out his aftershave and sprayed that on his neck then went downstairs and slipped on his black jacket. He takes his phone out of  his pocket for a time check and he has half hour until he has to be there so he grabs his wallet  and keys and heads to Nando's

Reece arrived right on time and then he looked out for her by the entrance a few minutes she arrives and a smile spreads across his face and hers. She walked over to him he hugged her and they swayed for a few seconds then pulled apart all he could think was she is beautiful.
"Hey" he breaks the silence.
"Hi" she says.
"table for Bibby" Reece speaks to the woman at the counter.
She looks at the list then grabs some menus and guides them to their table.
"Follow me" she smiles.

Reece and Grace follow her and they get a table by the window and hardly anyone was around so it was nice they could have some proper alone time. They sit down and he places his hand on the table and she places hers on top of his and then they lock eyes for a few minutes then let go to look at the menu. After a few minutes they decide and Reece goes to the counter to order
After a few minutes of ordering he sits back down and then they hold hands across the table just getting to know each other.

"So where are you from?" he asks.
"Liverpool what's your favourite colour?" she asks.

"Red what about you?"

"Purple." Grace giggles.

After they ate Reece decided to give her the gift he got her, but somewhere special. They left Nando's after two hours and walked the streets of Liverpool which was a very starry night. They  end up by the river and stop by the wall and sit down he puts his arm around her and her head leans on his shoulder feeling safe and secure.
"What a beautiful night" she happy sighs.
"Not as beautiful as you" he speaks.

She looks up at him he stares into her beautiful eyes and sees she is blushing and finds it super cute and they smile at each other for quite awhile. Reece slowly starts to lean in close and she follows his actions, but he pauses when he is so close and he just thinks come on just kiss her, but then he pulls away and causes disappointment for her and him.
"I got something for you" he speaks up.

Grace smiles happily thinking she did not expect this and starts to open it whilst Reece mentally hits himself on the head for not kissing her and questioning why he didn't.
Grace takes out the locket that he got made for her she looked at it closely and started to tear up at the engraving that said 'Love me so' which is one of their songs all she could do was hug him tight and thank him.
"Here" Reece speaks.

He grabs the locket and opens it up to reveal a picture of them when they first met and this makes her cry happily.

"Turn around" he says.

He opens up the necklace and she turns around and moves all her hair to one side allowing him to put it on her. Grace looks down to admire the necklace then faces Reece and kisses his cheek causing a huge smile on his face.
"Thank you" she whispers.
They sit down for a little longer speaking getting to know each other some more.

"So what other singers do you like?" he asks.

"Bailey McConnell and Justin Bieber." she giggles.

"Oh I know Bailey I can arrange for you to meet him maybe." he smiles.

"Really?!" she screams and he just laughs whilst nodding.

"Who's your favourite singer?" she asks.

"Ed Sheeran."

It starts to get late and her curfew is up soon so he walks her home to make sure she gets home safe and on time. They stop at her door step she is by her door and he is behind her they look at each other and speak quickly.
"I had a good time tonight" he smiles.
"Me too" she says.

They just stare at each other awkwardly and he thinks just kiss her and then thinks fuck it and  walks closer to her and places his hands on her waist pulls her close quickly and then smashes  his lips onto her.s Sparks are flying around them the kiss is magical and meant to be Grace  just thinks oh my god my first with him and it is amazing and Reece thinks best kiss he has ever had.

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