Season 1 Epsiode 67-American Girls

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Bailey was so happy that Lauren forgave him the night she ignored him he had a bad dream that his life needed, but thankfully it wasn't as he didn't sleep well that night.
It's a very rainy day in Philly Sunday the third of May Bailey is very excited to perform tonight as he loves it here already and it's his first day of a interview during soundcheck it's with a girl called Hadleigh, but the start of the tour hasn't been great a fan nearly broke Lauren and Bailey apart what else could go wrong?

Bailey arrives at the venue at one ready for sound check after a few songs Bailey heads upstairs to do his soundcheck he says hello to Hadleigh. She asks how America is so far from all the tweets and he tells her how amazing it is
"Are you single or dating?" She asks.
"No I am single." He clicks his fingers.
"What type of girls?"
"I don't know I tend to vary, I think I'll know when I come across somebody." He smiles.
"Do we need to try and get them to be quiet." She speaks awkwardly.
They start to get annoyed by the vocal warm ups by the other acts. Bailey stands up he goes off camera.
"Shut up!" Bailey shouts."trying to do an interview fuck sake!" Then Bruce comes up.
"I'm joking I love you!" He acts scared.
"Maybe don't put that in" he says as he sits back down.
"What's the youngest you'd date?" She asks looking at her phone.
"God probably my age." He pauses. "Actually yeah probably my age."
"How much do you love team Bailey?" She asks.
"That's a question I can't answer it's crazy I can't how much I love them because I wouldn't be here without them guys. I wouldn't be here in America without the guys back in the UK." He pauses. "They're amazing I love them so much and every chance I get a chance to see them I take it I love you guys."
Bailey answers a few more questions and then they end the interview.

Mark and Bailey walk onto stage people cheer then Bailey starts to strum his guitar and people cheer for him the moment he starts singing the crowd goes crazy and Bailey smiles during the song. Bailey finished his set and then the meet and greet started it was all good Bailey packed up his guitar facing the stage then someone grabbed his arm he freaked out and saw Hadleigh.
"Hey Hadliegh." He smiles and removes his arm.
She smiled at him and started to lean in Bailey moves his head back and walked back where he was against the stage.
"Uh what are you doing?" Bailey tries grabbing his phone off the table, but she snatches it off him.
"Give that back!" Bailey snaps.
She puts it in her pocket and bites her lip she grabs his arm and pulls him close Bailey moves his head to the side stopping her kissing him.
"Leave me alone!" Bailey pushes her off.
"Come on give us kiss" she pouts.
"No!" He snaps.
"Why you're single?" She winks at him.
"Uh" he mutters
Hadleigh pushes him against the stage leans in and Bailey pushes her preventing her from kissing him he quickly grabbed his stuff and phone then heads outside.
"Bailey where have you been?" Andy asks.
"Just getting my stuff sorry."
Bailey puts his pyjamas on and then FaceTimes Lauren.
"Hey Bailey" smiles on FaceTime.
"Hey baby."
"Shouldn't you be asleep?" She raises an eyebrow at him.
"Didn't know you was my mother." He says sarcastically and Lauren just giggles.
"How was the interview?" She asks.
"Weird the girl kept looking at me, but I'm good to look at." He chuckled and Lauren just shakes her head.
"I disagree." She winks and Bailey frowns.
"She did try to kiss me, but I pushed her off so glad I don't see her again." Bailey rolls his eyes.
"Oh not again you're getting all the American girls." Lauren sighs. "They are all probably prettier than me.." she trails.
"Lauren babes don't say that! You're beautiful I don't even notice anyone, but you I love you." He smiles and she blushes.
"Oh Bailey this is why I love you." She blows a kiss.
"I really miss you.." he sighs.
"I miss you too.." she sighs. "Oh Charlie is starting to get his memory back."
"Oh my god that's great!" Bailey speaks excited.
"Yeah well anyway I need to go I love you." She smiles.
"Okay goodbye I love you too."
They end the FaceTime and Bailey goes to sleep ready for a new day.

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