Season 1 Epsiode 64-forgotten

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It's only been a few days since Charlie went into his coma it was breaking Amelia and his family's heart they just wanted him back Charlie's mum left the room Amelia had her hand on his and then she saw it move this made her stomach turn then he eyes slowly opened he looked at her she had tears in her eyes and she smile at him.
"Who are you?" He asks.
Amelia's heart snapped in half as she heard those words.
"I'm your girlfriend." She stutters.
"I don't know you." He says and his mum comes in she runs over to him.
"Mum who is this girl?" He asks.
"This is Amelia she's your girlfriend." She says Amelia looks down crying.
"I'm sorry I don't know you." He says.
Amelia ran out the room and text Leo,Chanelle, Bailey and Lauren in the groupchat.

Amelia-Charlie he's awake but he doesn't remember me!!!😭😭💔💔
Lauren-oh my god thank goodness, but Amelia I feel so sorry for you I'm on my way!❤️😰
Chanelle-on no girly😩 me and Leo will get there as soon as😘
Leo-Amelia I know how you feel see you soon!!
Bailey-I wish I could be there keep well Amelia I hope his memory comes back😰

Amelia breaks down in tears as soon as she stops texting. Leo, Chanelle and Lauren arrive at the hospital they hug Amelia for ten minutes then go into the room.
"Charlie do you remember me?" Leo asks.
"Leo of course have you told the fans?"
"Yeah they're happy to see you're alive." Leo smiles.
"Charlie what about me?" Lauren asks nervously.
"Yeah Lauren come here!" He says and they hug.
"Is Amelia really my girlfriend?" He asks Lauren.
"Yeah she is and you love her." She says.
"I really wish I could remember.." he sighs.

When Nefeli met Bailey she knew she wanted him to be hers because he was very good looking and British. She hopes he falls in love with her and when he's famous he will spoil her.
"How you going to get him to be yours?" Her best friend Maisy asked her.
"Easy I'll flirt with him and make him fall in love with me" she smirks.
"What if it doesn't work?" She asks. "Plus I was on his Twitter it looks like he has a girlfriend."
"It will" Nefeli snaps. "Oh I seen that Lauren girl she's ugly anyway I doubt it." She laughs.

They wake up at 7am then have breakfast after they do their hair and make up after that's done they get changed. Nefeli puts a white crop top and black high waisted shorts on with her black pumps she grabbed her jean jacket and ted baker black then she brushes her teeth and waits in the living room for Maisy. She comes in wearing a white skirt and a pink crop top she has a black leather jacket on and white pumps on they head out the door and walk to the bus stop and wait a bit when the bus arrives they hop on after fifteen minutes they jump off the bus. It's a five minute walk from the venue they arrive and are the first ones there people start arriving about one in the afternoon then at two Im5 arrive all the girls scream at half past the house on cliff arrive with The weekend riot. Sam arrives at three fifteen minutes later Bailey pulls up in a taxi no one goes crazy because they don't know who he is.
"Hey Bailey" Nefeli waves at him.
"Hey" he waves back and walks in with his guitar with two men following him.
"Who's he?" A girl taps Nefeli on the shoulder.
"Bailey McConnell a British singer I met him last night"
"Oh he's pretty hot" she says.
"You wanna hang with us?" Maisy asks.
"Sure" she smiles.
"What's your name?" Nefeli asks.
"Sarah" she smiles.
"Names Nefeli and that's my best friend Maisy"

It's finally time to go in so they give the security their tickets and rush to the front they all get front next to each other centre. Firstly was the house on cliff after they performed they were impressed as they kept them entertained it was Im5 turn she was really excited for these as she loves them so did a lot of singing and dancing. Sam introduces every act it was time to introduce Bailey.
"Now I'd like you to welcome this British singer. It's his first date on this tour and we would love it if you guys help him out." Sam says.
"Please welcome Bailey McConnell!" Sam shouts and walks off the stage. Bailey runs on the stage with his guitar everyone cheers a man with a pony tail follows after him. Bailey adjusts the microphone and the guy sits on the box thing.
Bailey starts to strum at his guitar when he starts singing her heart flutters.
"Little girl I whisper in your ear, you smile at me. And you say that you love me.
Oh then I look into your eyes
And i know that this is where i wanna be
I say it back
And then you smile into my eyes
I never ever ever
Wanted that to go away
I wanted to be with you oh baby girl every minute of every day
But when im not with you i pray i pray and wait
Until the next time i see you
Im thinking of every great memory" he sung. His voice is amazing everyone cheered as he sung.
"Memories memories, Memories memories,But when your sad I ask you whats wrong ..whats wrong. I tell you please dont be afraid, Cause im here and your safe.
I see a tear fall down the side of your beautiful face, I get very sad at your emotional state, But when im not with you i pray i pray and wait. Until the next time i see you
Im thinking of every great memory. Memories memories, Memories memories," he sung. He finished the song and everyone roared. The show finished and Nefeli was looking forward to the meet and greet.

She meets everyone else and waits to meet Bailey last when it's just them left.
"Hey Bailey" She smiles.
"Hey" he smiles.
They both hug this is her chance Nefeli moves away from the hug slightly and puts her lips close to his, but Bailey moves his face back and pushes her away.
"What are you doing?!" He yells.
"I want a kiss" She pouts and starts to lean in, but he puts his arms in front of her.
"I don't want one" he snaps.
"Oh come on" she says and pushes him against the stage with his arms stuck and their lips connect. Bailey panicked and he managed to get his arms free and pushed her off she fell to the ground. Nefeli was really angry and pretended he hurt her.
"What the fuck Bailey that hurt" Nefeli fake cries.
"Bailey what you do?" Sam kneels down to help her.
"She kissed me" he stutters.
"Hey you tried it on with me!" She lies.
"No he didn't!" Someone says.
Nefeli was helped up by Sam she turns around to see Maisy angry.
"Maisy shut up!" She shouts.
"No you shut up leave him alone Bailey deserves someone better than you" she snaps.
She tries to go to her back stabbing best friend but Gabe grabs her then realising who she is.
"Yep" She smirks.
"I can't believe you! You're sick! Get her out!" He shouts then all of a sudden she is dragged out by security.

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