Season 1 Episode 85-Dreaming

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Lauren woke up sighing of relief that it was just a dream or was it? Lauren looked over to see Peyton.
"Ahhhh!!!!" She screamed.
That woke up a lot of people including Peyton and Bailey.
"Lauren what's wrong?" Bailey asked worried putting his arm around her.
Lauren looked down on her body not cuts and looked at her phone camera no black eye it was a dream.
"What is your name"? She stuttered.
"Peyton why?" he raises an eyebrow at her.
"What's wrong?" Bailey asks.
"Bad dream.." Lauren trails.
"What was it about?" Bailey asks.
"I'm going to go." Peyton says.
Lauren tells Bailey what happened and all he does is hug her tight.
"It's going to be okay." He brushes through her hair.

They finally land after hours of being on the plane Lauren is so happy to finally be home this trip has been a rollercoaster ride. Bailey and Lauren walk hand in hand off the plane and head to collect their cases with Andy and Mark. Lauren stood back away from the belt as they waited Bailey was on the phone to his mum telling them they landed and stuff Lauren turns around to see Peyton kissing his girlfriend and she sighs as she thinks why is life so bad for her right now even though it was just a dream it felt real and she felt like she was falling backwards. Bailey grabs his case and not long after Lauren's case comes and he quickly grabs it after the have all of their luggage they walk to arrivals to meet Tonia, Rob and Dom to drive home when Bailey's mum sees Bailey she hugs him tightly and starts crying.
"Hi." She cries.
"Hi mum." He laughs.
Bailey hugs his dad and Tonia walks over to Lauren she doesn't say anything she just hugs her tight rubbing her back.
"You okay sweetie?" She moves away a little still with her arms around her.
Lauren looks at Tonia with tears in her eyes and bursts into tears.
"It's okay darling it will get better." She whispers.
Tonia pulls away from the hug and Rob hugs her tight and tells her it will get better Dom did the same as they were walking Tonia and Lauren spoke.
"Tonia can I tell you something and ask you something?" Lauren asks and they stop walking to talk.
"Yeah what's up?"
"Do you think Bailey and I will last?" Lauren fiddles with her fingers looking down and then looks back up.
"I really do sweetheart he loves you and we love you." She rubs her shoulder.
"I hope so it was weird you know because I don't think you'd believe what he said to me last night" Lauren giggles.
"What did he say?" She asks.
"He said one day he wants me to be his wife like dreams of marrying me and wants a family with me is it crazy for me to think the same and to even think that now either one of us?" Lauren blushes.
"I don't think it is and I can't believe he said that, but don't rush into it I would be so happy for you to officially be apart of our family." She smiles.
"Thank you Tonia I feel like family already I do love your son very much." Lauren smiles.
"I know." She nudges her gently.
They catch up with the rest of them Bailey sees Lauren and kisses her cheek.
They all set off and Bailey holds Lauren's hand in the back of the car.
"What did you and my mum talk about?" He whispers.
"I told her about what you said to me last night.." Lauren whispers.
"Oh What did she say?" He whispers.
"She was happy about it, but said not to rush." Lauren smiles.
"Yeah I don't want to rush either." He squeezes her hand.
"You really mean that though?" She mumbles.
"What marrying you?" He asks.
"Yeah." She looks down.
Bailey pulls her face up gently and stares into her eyes.
"Of course." He kisses her. "I love you."
"I love you most" Lauren giggles.
"Oh you got me there." He winks at her.
"What are you two up to?" Rob laughs.
"Nothing that we aren't supposed to be doing." Bailey laughs.
"Good." Rob laughs.
"Oh Bailey we got a present for you when you get back." Tonia laughs.
"What is it?" Bailey asks.
"You'll have wait." Tonia says.
"Okay." He moans.
They get home and Bailey takes out his case and Lauren's.
"Please come in for a bit?" He gives her puppy dog eyes and frowns.
"Fine." She rolls her eyes.
"Yay!" He sings.

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