Season 1 Episode 26-Together

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"Harvey say something?" She stutters.
"Sorry I'm just in shock" he stutters.
"I'll always be here for you we can do this together" he says.
Lily gives him a weak smile and he pulls her into a tight hug and rubs her back gently.
"We better tell our parents" he says.
Lily agrees and they walk downstairs together full of nerves.
"Mum, dad I need to tell you something" she says. They look up to her and they sit down with their hands sweating.
"I'm pregnant" she says.
Her parents show lots of anger and disappointment her mum glares at him.
"How dare you do this?!" She shouts at him and he steps back.
"I'm sorry I did this to your daughter, but I'll be here for her every step of the way" he apologises.
Lily's dad stands up and gives him a sign to stand up and stares at him what is he going to do? He walks towards Harvey and stares into his eyes causing a lot of fear.
"If you're going to leave my daughter leave now or stay" he says.
Harvey looks at him then at Lily and he is sweating a lot.
"I'm here to stay"
He smiles at him and they sit back down Harvey sits next to Lily and she hugs him.

They left her house to tell his parents this is so scary they both thought.
"Can we go for something to eat before we tell them please?" He asks and she nods.
They walk to McDonalds hand in hand Lily finds them a seat and then someone taps Harvey on the shoulder.
"Hey Caitlin who you here with?" He asks hugging her.
"Charlie, Brad and Emily" she points to then who wave at him so he waves back.
"Okay we will sit with you" He says and she smiles at him then walks back to their table Harvey texts Lily to tell her to come back here.
"Hey why did you want me to come back?" She asks.
"Cait and that are here" he points to them.
She waves at them then walks over to their table. Harvey gets their food and then sits down with them.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Brad asks us.
"We wanted to have something to eat before we head to my house"
"Ah okay" Brad says.
After a few half an hour they left and headed to his house full of nerves.

They arrived at his he slowly turned the key and opened the door they entered the house and he shouted.
"Mum, dad?!"
"We are in the kitchen Harv!" Dad shouts.
He takesbLily's hand and walk into the kitchen with her they sit down at the table with his parents.
"Mum, dad there is something I have to tell you" He says squeezing Lily's hand under the table.
"What is it Harvey?" Mum asks.
"Lily is pregnant.." he trails.
They look at them with wide eyes. "I know we are stupid, but I will help her out"
"Harvey we aren't happy with you, but as long as you don't leave her on her own" His dad states and his mum agrees.
"Thanks mum and dad" He hugs them.

They went upstairs and just led in his bedroom they got a little carried away and started to think of baby names.
"What about Sabrina for a girl?" She suggests.
"Yeah that sounds good" He writes it down so far for girls we have Sabrina, Jessica, Shannon and Charlotte.
"For a boy how about Aiden?" He asks and she nods for boys we have Aiden, Zack, Alfie and Ross.

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