Season 1 Episode 91-Glasgow

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It was now Bailey's summer tour time not much has happened the past few months Bailey had a few local gigs and other small ones too he even appeared on Lorraine again. Everyone's relationships were stronger than ever. Lauren is going to a few of Bailey's tour dates she was supposed to go to three, but decided to go to a few more. Chanelle, Kally and his family are going to his London date as it's close to them.
Today Bailey was travelling to Glasgow which he was attending with his manager Dom and his band mates.
Bailey hopped on the train with them Dom went to the bathroom and Bailey decided to be funny and put salt in his tea when he came back they were giggling Dom looked at them with concern.
"What have you done to my laptop?" He questions as he sits down.
"Nothing." Bailey laughs.
Dom takes a sip of his tea and spits it all over Mark Bailey bursts out laughing.
"Ew Bailey!" He snaps.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!" He laughs struggling to breath.
Dom rolls his eyes at Bailey after hours on the train they finally arrive to be greeted by a few fans Bailey has a group photo with them then they head over to their hotel. Dom checks them in and Bailey goes on his phone checking twitter and receives a text from Lauren.

Lauren-Hey baby hope you got there safe good luck tonight!❤️😘
Bailey-Hey yeah just checked in some fans arrived at the train station which was crazy😁❤️ and thank you I love you😘
Lauren-aw that's sweet☺️ I love you and see you when you're back😘😁

Bailey smiles as he finishes texting her he goes up into his room and starts practicing for his tour.
Bailey arrives at his gig for soundcheck which went really good now it was time for meet and greet.
Bailey met a few fans and this girl came up to him with a poster he smiled at her could see how nervous she was seeing her shaking he hugged her tight then spoke up.
"Would you like me to sign that for you?"He refers to the poster.
"Yes please." She was really shy.
Bailey signed her poster then her cousin took a photo of them together as they smiled at the camera.
The girl walked off and then this girl came up to him they had a picture.
"Can I ask is Lauren okay?"
"Of course and yeah she's a lot better thank you for asking." He smiles and hugs her.
The fans leaves and soon enough the meet and greet ends Bailey heads backstage with Bruce and Johnny as well as his other acts supporting him it wasn't long until it was Bailey's turn to perform his band started setting up and everyone screamed he smiled at the sound of his fans cheering for him.
They started playing his song I know you always loved me which was a song he wrote about Lauren of course. Bailey sung bloodstream after words which everyone went crazy for after a few songs it was time for Love don't lie he sings the first part and then the song deepens with his band.
"I don't know why you're bringing this fight, just when it's right when everything's clear and bright. If you're leading me on, no I can't carry on, no I can't carry on, no.." he sings and people cheer.
"You said that love don't lie, I need to know why you left me, left me hanging here. I've been a fool you said that love don't lie"
When Bailey finishes the song everyone screams like mad and then he makes a speech.
"Right guys this is my last song this song is a very important song to me as some of you know I went through a really tough time and I used it to make it into a positive so here's Crystalise." He says and the band start playing the notes of Crystalise.
"Overthinking again about every little thing you do,
But you're forgetting about everyone that means something to you," Bailey starts to close his eyes from the tears forming in his eyes the crowd was silent for this song.
"You have thousands of worries,
That all boil down to one,
An insecurity about life." He sings and breathes.
"Come crying home is an everyday thing for you,
I got through a box of tissues in your little tiny room,
Your cheeks are red,
From the warm tears rolling down your face,
But then you'd cry some more." A tear falls down his cheek.
"I guess it's just one of those day where you don't wanna get out of bed,
Crystalise yourself in those covers until the point where you won't get out,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down." Music starts getting deeper in and voice shows hurt.
"Quite happy one day then very sad the next,
Just because of one guy telling you that you're a mess,
You take that in and you write it down on your arms,
But then you'd cry some more," he voice starts to sound raspy in a good way.
"I guess it's just one of those day where you don't wanna get out of bed,
Crystalise yourself in those covers until the point where you won't get out,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down." He sings more and his band plays as Bailey looks down.
"I guess it's just one of those day where you don't wanna get out of bed,
Crystalise yourself in those covers until the point where you won't get out,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down.
That's not the way you should be writing it down,
No Crystalise Crystalise oooooo," he sings really loud and keeps his eyes closed.
"I guess it's just one of those day where you don't wanna get out of bed,
Crystalise yourself in those covers until the point where you won't get out,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down,
You have a beautiful story,
That's not the way you should be writing it down." He sings off quietly.
Everyone cheers and he smiles at the support Bailey drinks some water and wipes his eyes.
"Thank you!" He shouts and runs off stage.
Bailey hides back stage and can hear them chanting his name to come back. When Bailey runs out to do his encore he sings dying hole to finish and then heads back to the hotel.

Bailey-Hey beautiful just got back absolutely amazing was very emotional❤️😢 but very good turn out☺️
Lauren-Awww I'm so glad good night I love you☺️🥰
Bailey-goodnight I love you too🥰❤️😁

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