Season 1 Episode 93-Down to earth

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It was time for Bailey to fly Ireland for his tour they flew out early hours in the morning Bailey was fast asleep then they felt the plane shaking Bailey was startled and the lights started flashing on and off his heart started racing the masks dropped and everyone started screaming Bailey put on his mask and started breathing heavily thinking the worst of this situation. The plane comes crashing down and set a light that was the end.

Lauren was waiting for Bailey to text her to tell her he landed as the hours went by she started to panic. Lauren put on the television and that's when he heart shattered and the pain released.
"Flight to Belfast Ireland crashed and hundreds dead and fifty injured."
"Oh my god!!!" She screams.
Lauren's mum came rushing in to see Lauren in tears on the floor screaming. Her mum rushes over to her and hugs her tight.
Lauren's vision is blurred as she calls his phone hoping he'd answer, but nothing her heart was broken she lost her best friend and the love of her life. There was no confirmation of Bailey being dead yet people were still identifying the bodies and so far there's three hundred people dead.
Lauren was over Bailey's house dreading the news if he was dead.
The phone ran and Rob answered the phone he went in the other room whilst Tonia, Brandon, Lewis, Brodie and Georgia hugged praying he's alive.
Lauren sat in a chair fiddling with her fingers crying struggling to breath.
Rob came in with bloodshot eyes and his family bursts into tears.
"No!!!" Lauren cries.
Brandon comes over to Lauren and puts his arm around her and they cry together.
"I'm so sorry you guys lost him he was your family..." Lauren's stutters.
"We all lost him darling come here." Tonia cries.
Lauren walks over to her and she pulls her into a tight hug as they cry.

"I just can't believe he's gone..." Lauren stutters whilst crying.
Kally looks at her and hugs her rubbing her back.
A few weeks go by it was his funeral everyone is dreading this day all she could think is they never had a chance to even live he wanted to get married and have kids and that was taken from him.
"Bailey is a very kind, funny and hard working person. There will not be a day that I won't think of him. I wish he was still here life is so unfair he was so young and he is loved by so many he made me proud everyday." Tonia cries as she gives her speech.
"Even though biologically he wasn't my son I always saw him as my real son. I loved him with every bit of my heart it still doesn't feel like he's gone. This had broken a lot of people's hearts. He will be missed dearly." Rob stutters.
"My brother was annoying at times, but I could always count on him he was such a talented and kind soul he taught me a lot of things and I will cherish every memory we had together." Brandon cries.
Lauren was dreading making a speech as she knew it was going to be hard.
"This is the hardest thing I've had to do in years I'm so sorry to his family I know how hard this is for you.  Bailey was the most down to earth person I met he was my best friend I trusted him with everything and I loved him so much." She cries and looks down breathing heavily.
"He was always trying to make sure everyone was happy and sometimes put others before himself. He's a hero he's saved so many lives just wish god would have saved his." She croaks.
"Bailey I'm sorry life ended so quickly for you I love you and we will miss you forever." She cries.

Lauren is starting to develop serious depression after loosing Bailey she's been going to therapy, but it hasn't helped one bit.
A few of her closest friends were round Lauren's trying to cheer her up Lauren sees a photo of them together and bursts into tears Chanelle rushes over and starts comforting her.
Charlie puts a film on, but Lauren doesn't watch it she just looks at her promise ring thinking about the day he gave it to her and what he said tears came pouring out of her eyes and then she has a flash back.

*flash back*

Bailey and Lauren are walking home from school.
"Should we go to the forest?" Bailey asks.
"Sure." She smiles.
Bailey and Lauren go to the forest after school a lot it is one place they love. She sat down on the log and Bailey sat next to her they talked for ages they walked around until all of a sudden Bailey picked her up and spun her around in the air.
"Bailey put me down!" she screamed hitting his chest.
"Only if you say 'Bailey is awesome and is hot!' " he laughs.
Lauren rolled her eyes at him, but gave in.
"Bailey is awesome and is hot." Lauren moans and he puts her down.
They stare into each others eyes that's when butterflies form in her stomach at that very moment she fell in love with her best friend.

It has been two weeks since Lauren fell in love with Bailey. She has not told him and she is very scared to because what if it ruins their friendship? Or he does not like her back...Lauren was thinking in her room she hears a knock on the front door. Lauren's mum answers then few minutes later there is a knock on her bedroom door.
"Come in." She shouts.
Then suddenly a 'hot' Bailey McConnell appears into her room she was shocked that she thought that.
"What's up?" lauren sits up and he sits next to her on the bed.
"I came to tell you something.." he trails.
"What is it?" Lauren asks facing him.
He goes into his pocket and hands her a small box. She looks at him confused he gently opens the box to reveal a charm bracelet.
"Bailey this is beautiful!" She squeals.
He smiles at !34 then puts it on her wrist Lauren thanks him and hugs him tight and then she felt the butterflies again, but they hugged a lot longer than usual, but she liked it.
"What do you need to tell me?" She asks.
"Well I really like you Lauren...I love you.." he says.
Lauren looked at him with wide eyes and tears.
"I love you too." She squeals.
They leant in slowly gradually their lips became inches away and connected like magnets it was at that moment she felt sparks inside her entire body.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked after pulling away.
"I'd love to." She squeals.

Lauren came back to the real world and bursts into tears.

"Fuck sake Lauren shut up!" Someone yells.
Lauren looks up to see Leo looking at her.
"I'm sorry! But you would be the same if you lost your best friend!" Lauren snaps.
"Lauren get over it!" He snapped.
Everyone looks at him shocked and anger.
"Fuck you! Who was there for you when Mariana died?!" She yelled.
"Whatever." he snaps.

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