Season 1 Episode 48-Good things never last

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Life has been better for a lot of people lately, but it's only going to get worst from here.
The award show was coming up and also was trying to make it up to everyone he decided to speak to Simon to see if he could help.
"Hey Simon I know this is a big ask, but can you help me make it up to my friends?" He asks.
"Sure Leo what did you have in mind?"
Leo explains to him what he would like and he agrees and said to him if they don't forgive him for this then he don't know what else he can do. Leo apologised to them all Harvey and Lily forgave him, but Charlie, Amelia, Bailey and Lauren needed more.
Leo texted them to get ready and to head meet him in London. A few hours later they all met in London then went to the o2.
"Wait isn't the reward show tonight?" Amelia freaks.
"Yeah and we are going." He smiles and they all freak out.
They head inside and then get their backstage passes they were all thankful for this, but this isn't the end of it.
They head over to the dressing rooms and Simon greets them.
"Oh my god." Lauren breathes.
"Oh yeah I forgot you haven't met Simon and you like him." Charlie laughs.
"Hey guys ." He says.
"What's going on?" Bailey asks.
"Leo has a surprise for you follow me." He says and they follow him to another dressing room.
"I have a surprise for Leo, Charlie and Bailey actually." He smiles.
"Wait what?" Bailey stutters.
"You guys are performing tonight." He laughs.
The boys freeze just staring in the distance with their mouths open wide.
"Oh my god!" Bailey freaks.
"This is huge guys!" Lauren squeals.
"Don't worry too much about figuring out sound and stuff just let the sound guys know what you need and they will sort you out." He states. "Now for the surprise Leo helped organise."
They walk into the dressing room and Lauren heads in first that's when she sees the one person she has been dreaming to meet Demi Lovato.
"Oh my god!" She cries and crouches down covering her face.
Bailey grabs her and pulls her back up Lauren walks over to her with open arms Demi is ready for a hug and they hug whilst Lauren is sobbing and shaking.
She is speechless and Demi takes a few photos with her.
"This is the quietest I've ever seen her." Bailey jokes and they all laugh.
Everyone gets a photo with her then James Bay comes in the room which Bailey freaks out, but plays it cool. Simon calls the rest in Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.
"Oh my Charlotte is going to kill me." Lauren giggles.
"Can I call her Justin?"
"Sure" he smiles.
Lauren FaceTimes Charlotte and then hands over the phone to Justin which freaks her best friend out and he arranges her to meet him tonight. They have photos with them all and were so happy. Leo finally made peace Mariana's ghost appeared she looked at Leo with a smile and he smiled back then a bright light took her.
"Right guys we have to snatch them." This girl comes in and Leo stares at this beautiful girl.
"Oh my god you're beautiful." He says and realising he said it out loud and covered his mouth.
She looks at him and giggles which causes him to blush. The girl leaves the room with the celebrities then comes back to say hello to Leo.
"Hi" she giggles.
"Hi what's your name?" He asks.
"Chanelle." She giggles.
They flirt for over ten minutes forgetting everyone is there then after awhile Charlie, Leo and Bailey are sent to their dressing rooms. Lauren and Amelia go and sit in their seats which were with Simon.
Bailey is really nervous to sing in front of this many people he decided to sing his song playing with fire. Charlie and Leo go with a new original Beautiful.
First it was Charlie and Leo it shocked the audience to see them on the stage fans went crazy then it was Bailey's turn he texts Lauren before he goes on.

Bailey-Babe I'm terrified!!!😰😰😰❤️
Lauren-Bailey you will do great come on it's no different to Britain's got talent you can do it!❤️😘
Bailey-Okay I'll trust you oh my god😰😩❤️

"Bailey you're up!" A guy says.
Bailey walks on the stage it's pitch black no one can see him. The music starts to play and when he starts to singing the lights hit him and people cheer.
When the first few lyrics starts to go people start to cheer really loud and when the chorus comes on Bailey starts to dance to the beat of the music owning the stage. He starts walking down the stage aisles singing and the crowd goes crazy.
"You've been playing with fire!"
When he finishes the song the crowd cheers him wildly Bailey tears up, but thanks the crowd and runs off stage.
When Lauren was watching him she was so proud that she started to cry. After the show it was a great night, but good things don't last.
"Bailey!!" Lauren runs over to him crying.
"Lauren what's wrong?" He hugs her.
"Cara she was in a car accident and is dead!" She stutters.

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