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Hey guys! Welomeee. Uhh I don't know what to say so..

This is pretty straightforward but I usually find myself skipping to the important parts so I thought I would save you the finger swipes :)

It's the first day of school. Well not really. It's just been renovating but I'm going to pretend it's new.

New school
New friends
New enemies
New memories

These were the thoughts circling my mind as I walked down the hallways of Andin High. I knew most of the people here. So I guess it's not that new but it still is a big change from what I'm used to.

You see there was a fire a few months ago and our school burned down. Nobody was hurt because it happened on a Sunday. The only person there was the janitor who is now in therapy. Rumor has it, he chocked half to death.

They fixed it now and that's where I'm at. I wasn't so ecstatic about attending school again but I did want to know what became of our high school over the 2 months.

"Hey Maddie," a girl said and I replied. I have loads of 'acquaintances'  but not really a best friend. Or a friend for that matter. I don't feel the need to have a best friend. Me being in about all of the clubs there possibly are, I pretty much switch groups and friends all the time.

I'm not popular. I'm well known but I believe being classified as popular would mean you'd have to be bitchy. At least that's what I've learned form this place. 
"Can Maddison Sparks please report to the office?" The speakers blared.

All heads turned to me. No one would expect anyone being called to the principle's office on the first day. Not unless you've killed someone. And if I retrace my steps properly, I don't recall murdering anybody. At least not on school grounds. Although in my head, I may have. What can I say, I'm weird.

Ignoring all the not so subtle stares and whispers, I made my way up to the principal's office only to come face to face with Chase Hastings. The most popular guy in our school. Okay. Remember when I said we came face to face? It was more like face to back. But something's better than nothing right?

I entered the principal's office right beside Vice Principal Andrew's office. I was greeted by Mr.Hanks sitting in his chair but backwards facing the large window behind his desk. Wait. When did that get there?

He must've heard me enter because he said, "Ah. Ms.Sparks, I've been waiting for you," And with that he turned around.

"Mr. Hanks that only cool in the movies," I said suppressing a giggle.

Realization struck his face as he awkwardly coughed and fixed his suit before turning to me and smiling.

"Right well then, I called you up here to ask you a few questions regarding the fire." He told me.

"So this is like an interrogation?" I asked incredulously.

"No it's more of an asking-about-your-whereabouts-but-it's-not-an-interrogation kind of thing."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes. That's much better," I said sarcastically.

"Look I have a lot more students to ask. You just happen to be one of the liable ones" He sighed muttering something about it being just his luck to have to 'interrogate' a sarcastic student.

"How am I liable to set this school on fire. I have done no delinquent acts. And just so you know, I am the least of your concerns and not the right person to suspect," I said defending myself.

"No but you do join loads of clubs so you must've been there on that day. Besides if you weren't there you might've heard some gossip," he replied ," look if you have any information that will help me..."

I sighed, " Sorry Mr. Hanks but I had a flu that day,"

"Alright. You may be dismissed. Have a good day," he said as he shooed me out waiting for the next victim of the 'interrogation'.

All of a sudden I was pushed to a wall and a certain someone's lips hovered above my earlobe.

"I told you not to mess with me," he said. I looked up to see my kind of but not really rapist only to be met with Chase's eyes. Um. What gives?

I pushed him off me. Well I tried to.

"What the hell?!?" I screamed making him loosen his grip on me giving me enough space to get into a karate pose I learned from Kickin' it.

His confident face soon turned into a confused one before it turned to an amused face.

"Wait. You're not Kandi," He asked.

"Look out Sherlock. You have competition," I said sarcastically.

"Hardy Har Har," he said dryly.

"What do you want? I don't have time for you," I said looking at my nails.

"Nothing. I thought you were Kandi. But I guess you're not so...," He trailed off.

"So I can leave now?" I asked hopefully. He put his arms to his side freeing me from his 'cage'.

Thank god I can finally leave this bad boy.

"I'm not the badboy, cupcake," he said and I stopped dead in my tracks. Ugh I said that out loud. Terrific! Not.

I snorted, "Then who are you?"

"Me?" He smirked, "I'm the badboy's bestfriend."

Hey guys! It's a new book. Hope you guys like this. So you guys may know me from Falling Hard. It was my old book but I deleted it. It wasn't completed anyway. I just didn't like it. My writing style has changed so if you didn't like that book chances are you might like this one. Anyway...

Happy reading!

The BadBoy's BestFriendWhere stories live. Discover now