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Brandon to the side. AUSTIN BUTLER IS JUST 😍😍. I think it's safe to say that I'm absolutely in love with the Carrie diaries.
Maddie and Chase will come in the next chap!
The awkwardness Chase and I would face was indefinite and there was no way I could ignore so I decided to wing it.

I wouldn't exactly ignore Chase but out of the two best friends, I would talk to Brandon more. Unless.. Chase told him.

God. That would embarrassing as hell.

So it's settled, I'll just be my loner self and not talk to anyone during school. Just like always.

Throughout the weekend I had been wondering what would have happened if I had kissed Chase.

My mind was full of what if's and I was getting quite tired of it.

Nothing. Nothing would have happened. Because he'll probably say he was caught up in the moment and forgot I wasn't one of his groupies. It would just be a really embarrassing moment.

But the other half of me couldn't let go of the fact that there may have been more to it. What if Chase was actually interested. After all, we were 'set up' ,as Chase called it, by Brandon.

Not that I would know personally, but from all of the movies I have watched, the bestfriend usually pull these kinds of moves to set up her bestfriend with her crush.

Not that Brandon is a highschool girl or that Chase is my crush but... I'm just saying..

I guess, you could say I was racking by brain to find a reason for all of this. I just wanted all this to add up.

Since my brain was 'occupied' it's no surprise it wasn't able to decide what to where. This is why I showed up to school in sweat pants, a hoodie and some tweety flip flops. When did I even buy those?

Although this was my normal attire ( minus the flips flops ) I usually took the time to match my hoodie and sweatpants.

I needed to change my shoes. I'm pretty sure I have an extra pair of shoes in my gym locker.

As I made my way to the gym locker room, I ran into Brandon and we walked together.

"Hey Tweety," he greeted.

Are you freaking kidding me?!

"What's with you and Disney characters anyway?" he asked slightly amused.

"What's with you and calling me Disney characters?" I replied with my own question.

"Touché," he replied.

As I we reached the locker room, I asked him to wait right there and then I went in.

I slipped out my red converse onto my feet. I was more than happy to find a clean pair of socks...and underwear..but that's not the point.

I made my way out and Dylan and I walked over to our next class, English literature. Which we shared with Chase.



Let me just tell you avoiding Chase is very hard and quite tiring. Kids, don't try this at home. Trust me.

I was now walking home. I had my earplugs plugged in and I was listening to my favorite songs, one of them being 'shut up and dance with me'. I love this song. No joke.

I was also licking my favorite ice cream, strawberry sorbet.

Yep, I was living the life.

Up until some guy held my arm and turned me around. Um. Excuse me?

I realized this person was no other than Chase.

Not wanting to have an awkward conversation, I smashed my ice cream in his face and once again, ran away from him.

Chase is a guy. I'm a girl. A girl who doesn't work out. At all. I'm pretty sure you can tell Chase caught me easily.

Not to mention the fact that Chase was furious.

Yeah. I'm screwed.

"MADDISON!!!" Chase shouted once he caught up to me.

"You better have a good ass reason for smashing an ice cream in my face and then running and ignoring me," he said surprisingly calmly. Its extremely scary.

"Uhmmm... My gym teacher said I should work out more..?" I said sheepishly.

He didn't seem amused.

I sighed," I don't know. I just thought it might be awkward and you might not want to talk to me,"

His features softened," Why would you think that?"

"Oh come one. Nobody really likes me enough to hang out with me. I didn't want to be a burden to you. I know that Brandon made you take me but you don't really have to be nice to me. It's fine. Really. And I didn't want you to tell me that it was a mistake. You know the... the almost...," I trailed off.

"Kiss? It wasn't a mistake. I was kind of confused- no. Really confused why you ran in. But it most definitely wasn't a mistake. I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable," he said hugging me. Did I mention he had ice cream and he was rubbing all over my shirt!

I pushed him off," You totally planned that didn't you," I said faking a frown but failing miserably and we started laughing.

He smirked, "Maybe. Do you want to know what I did plan to do though?" He said like he was talking to a little child.

"Yeah," I replied with wide eyes.

"Okay but close your eyes. It's a surprise," he said.

Yesss! I love presents.

I happily obliged waiting for my presents when I felt a something soft that tasted a lot like my ice cream on my lips.

I quickly opened my eyes.


It was just a peck. But a kiss nonetheless. My first kiss. And I loved it.

It's a short chapter but this was bound to happen. I'm not quite happy with this chapter but I have big things planned so bare with me...
P.S I don't like strawberry sorbet but Madison does ;)

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