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The main bubble gum girl to the side ^

I changed the main character ( Jennifer)'s name again. As of now, it is officially Madison. Sorry for the inconvenience. It won't happen again sorry.

Happy reading!


As we walked in, my mouth was slightly open and I was in awe. Not only by the fact that we may or may not have just entered the set of the Teen Beach movie, but also by that fact that Chase was taking me.

What does this mean? Is this him being sorry? Does he feel like he owes to me? Or we doing this for fun?

I hope we're doing this for fun. I really don't want him to think I'm a burden. I don't usually care but Chase is different. There's something about him. I just don't know what that is yet.

Since this place was kind of like a sit and serve, we found a booth that just so happened to be next to a bunch of girls. I don't mind girls. I'm a girl. that was hypocrisy. But these were the type of girls who wore push up bras, unbuttoned the top buttons of there shirt and chewed bubblegum obnoxiously while saying 'look at me! Look at me!'

Yes I can tell all of that by a few simple glances.

These girls also happened to be giving me dirty looks.


So I decided to take the high road and ignore them because chances are I might never see them again or they might not ever recognize me without my party clothes on. Or my other accessory a.k.a Chase.

Chase was quite focuses on the menu even though I'm pretty sure he came here before.

"I know what I'm ordering. What about you?" he asked as he looked up from the menu.

"I have absolutely no idea," I said sheepishly.

"Please tell me you aren't going to eat a salad. If I see one more salad, I will barf," he groaned as he put on a disgusted face.

I chuckled, "All the more reason to buy one,"

He shook his head and grinned, "Ofcourse."

I laughed and felt genuinely happy. But then again o don't usually feel in-genuinely happy.

Once we were ready to order, a waiter came up to us.

"Hi. My name's Eric. I'm here to take your orders," he said to us and flashed me a perfect grin.

"We don't need to know you're name, waiter," Chase said grumpily.

"Okaaaayyyy then," Eric said," Are you ready to order?"

I opened my mouth to answer but Chase beat me to it.

"We want Nancy not you," Chase said.

"She's out sick today. I'm replacing for today. I'm her cousin," he informed us with a smile.

"Well Eric, let her know I say 'get well soon' ," I said, "Even though she doesn't know me," I laughed. This seemed to have amused him because he let out a laugh of his as well.

He took both of our orders. Much to Chase's dismay, Eric and I got along well and I may a new friend.

"I don't like him. He'll probably slip his number on your tray," Chase said with a frown as Eric turned to walk away.

Even though he said this quite quietly, Eric seemed to have heard this and turned back around to us and said," Just so you know, I wouldn't slip my number to her even though she's quite beautiful," he said as he winked at me causing me to blush," I wouldn't do that whilst you two are in a date. I've been there and it's really uncomfortable both ways. I wouldn't put you two through that," with that he turned and walked away leaving Chase dumbfounded and me blushing.

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