Sparks Fly

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The way Storm moved was like a full-on, well, rainstorm; and Iris was a house of cards, as delicate as her namesake flower. She wasn't usually so fragile, but there were exceptions to every rule, and her exception was the aptly named Storm. She knew that, with the slightest little effort, Storm could blow right through her and blow her away.

She just moved with such power, purpose, and poise, and it made Iris totally weak in the knees. She felt like a fool for admitting it, but when her knees started to feel like jelly, how could she possibly hope to deny it? Storm just had this kind of reckless that should've sent Iris running, but she kinda knew that even if she tried, she wouldn't get very far. For one, Storm was definitely faster. For another, Iris knew she'd find a way to get turned around and run right to Storm rather than away.

Ah, and there she was now, making her way over to Iris with a confident, determined stride. Already, Iris felt her heartrate increasing and she had to fight back a goofy smile. She tried to look cool, but ultimately settled on just trying to look normal, since "cool" was a bit beyond her level, especially while standing beside someone like Storm.

"Hey, Iris, you up for some training?" Storm asked as she drew nearer. Iris' heart skipped a beat, but she managed not to show it.

"Sure!" She gave the other woman a pleasant smile. Now, they were close enough to touch... Close enough that Iris hoped Storm couldn't see by the look on her face what sort of things she was thinking of...

Gah! What's wrong with me today? Iris shook her head, trying to clear her mind. I mean, yeah, I know she and I are friends now, and all that, and that's great! But... what is with me?! I... I'm not usually like this around her... Or anyone... And it didn't used to be this way! ... I think...

Granted, their relationship got off to a rocky start. In the beginning, Storm hadn't been able to stand Iris. She saw the other woman as nothing more than an annoying little brat. An impatient, overly squealy, hyperactive child! Although, to be fair, Storm couldn't stand most people, so the way she treated Iris back then was pretty normal. But there were exceptions to every rule, and her exception eventually turned out to be Iris.

After a mission gone wrong, the two started to grow closer, first out of necessity and then by choice. Eventually, that closeness turned the tide of their relationship, and they could at least say that they were no longer rivals or enemies. Now, though, they both felt as a crossroads. The next logical step was to call it a friendship, but Iris was hesitant. With her new feelings blooming so suddenly, she didn't want to accidentally rush things. As for Storm, well, for a woman who didn't typically get along with anyone, it was hard for her to decide when and where to call it a friendship.

So, for the while, they'd been... amicable acquaintances. But now, though, there were all these new feelings, at least on Iris' side. Why did she get so giddy every time she saw Storm? And why did she feel exceptionally flustered and pleased any time Storm's attention was directed at her? Even for the entire walk over to the training forest, Iris' mind was spinning with thoughts she knew she'd never have the courage to say out loud.

Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain, race me through the forest, take away the pain, 'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile...

In the same way Storm was not a people person, she wasn't much of a smiler either, but Iris could still remember that very first one. It happened not long after their mission gone wrong. Iris, as the more inexperienced one, also ended up as the more injured one. She expected Storm to be mad at her, but never once did that happen. Instead, she only ever saw concern, and then relief, from the other woman, and it was after the danger was over that Storm gave Iris her first, genuine smile. That wasn't where these strange fluttery feelings started for Iris, but ever since those fluttery feelings began, that smile became something she loved more and more each d-

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