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Lena thought back to the first time she and Supergirl met. It was an assassination attempt, her helicopter targeted by drones. Both of the Supers had come to her aid that day, although they hadn't had much time to exchange words. The second time was much like the first, only this time, the assassination attempt took place at a press conference.

Are we always destined to meet like this? The Luthor wondered as she gunned down one of the men holding an officer, whom she would later know as Alex Danvers, Supergirl's sister, at gunpoint. As soon as the man collapsed, Lena realized that Supergirl was right there, too.

But the third time was a charm, it seemed. For once, the two were actually able to hold a proper conversation. Lena was planning on throwing a party and she wanted Supergirl to be there. The Kryptonian had come flying across the starlit sky, landing on her balcony.

I wonder if Superman ever did this with Lois Lane? Lena wondered as the Girl of Steel touched down at her office. Wait, why am I thinking like THAT? She felt a blush slowly spreading across her cheeks and she could only hope that Supergirl wouldn't notice it.

Oh, who was she kidding? Of course Supergirl would notice! Everyone knew she had super vision, and very acute senses! Lena was barely able to contain her inner fangirl, finally getting to meet the legendary Girl of Steel properly, and in her private office to boot! But as their talk carried on, Lena could sense a tiny bit of distrust coming from the other woman. She wasn't surprised, but it stung her more than she thought it would. It became easier to control her fangirling after that, and her face became guarded. She tried to appear rough on the surface: cold, calculating, and calm.

But after Supergirl flew away again, having accepted Lena's invitation, the Luthor couldn't help but give a giddy smile. No matter how tough and aloof Lena thought she could be, Supergirl saw right through her. Was it the X-ray vision? If anything, Lena felt more like it was the laser vision, cutting right through her. And if it was an open/shut case, she never would've known from the icy look on Supergirl's face; but as much as Supergirl's distance might've bothered the Luthor, she was still completely lost in those gorgeous, sapphire eyes...

The party was a success! It didn't go off without a hitch (read: yet another assassination attempt), but at least it ended well! And it was all thanks to Supergirl...

"Who would've believed it, a Luthor and a Super, working together?" This time, Lena really couldn't control her giddy smile as she gestured to the space between herself and the Girl of Steel. This time, Supergirl was smiling back, and Lena was even more lost in her eyes than that very first night. They exchanged a few more kind words, but for better or worse, by the end of it, Lena wouldn't remember much.

The more that you say, the less I know. Wherever you stray, I'd follow! I'm begging for you to take my hand...Join my plans, if you can...

Although she didn't have the courage to say it, Lena felt certain that she could impress Supergirl and win her over. You know that my plans could lead you home. She would show Supergirl that she could be a good Luthor, and that anywhere else except by her side was hollow. But first, she needed Supergirl to take her hand. She needed to do something to get, and keep, Supergirl's attention...


And although Lena wouldn't know it just yet, given enough time, Supergirl would start to feel the exact same way about her. Even though Kara was a reporter at CatCo, she started spending more and more time at L-Corp. And at the DEO, sometimes they'd give her a hard time about her growing infatuation with the Luthor as well; but that was how Kara knew her love was true. Even though the world would count Lena out time and time again, Kara would never fail to defend her honor, whether as Kara or Supergirl. She may have been an invulnerable Kryptonian, the mighty Girl of Steel, but Kara was always willing to bend to Lena's whim. After long enough, it paid off. Kara no longer only visited Lena at work.

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