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Iris leaned against one of the buffet tables on the far side of the ballroom, trying to look engaged with the circle of people around her. She was a pro, knowing exactly when to laugh and how many smiles to give. She certainly didn't dislike the people, they were all perfectly fine, but she couldn't help but feel disconnected. Her eyes shifted around the golden, gilded room. It truly was a beautiful, no, magnificent, place, but...

At last, her purple eyes landed on someone else huddled in one of the other corners of the room. Unlike Iris, though, she was completely alone, and from the look on her face, she was anxious to keep it that way. Despite herself, Iris felt a tiny, dry, smile quirk at her lips. Didn't she know the feeling? Before she even knew what she was doing, Iris found herself gliding across the shining floors to reach the mysterious stranger. Though it was apparent she didn't like being here anymore than Iris did, that was part of why Iris felt drawn to her, why Iris wanted to talk to her.

The woman happened to notice Iris as she made her way across the room. For a moment, Iris worried she would look away coldly. After all, if she wanted someone to talk to, she wouldn't be hiding away in a corner. But, to Iris' surprise and relief, the woman only seemed curious, maybe even interested. Who are you? Why are you coming over? Iris hoped that maybe she saw a kindred spirit, so to speak, and that she would understand that Iris didn't really like this scene either.

"You're not enjoying yourself tonight? I get that. Neither am I," Iris said dryly, and the woman seemed pleased with her.

"I'm only here because my friends insisted I join them, but..." Although Iris didn't know who exactly the woman was pointing to, she understood.

"I'm the same way," she chuckled and shook her head. Although her friends hadn't "abandoned" her, per se, when they showed little interest in seeing if she was enjoying herself, or trying to invite her into conversations, she'd drifted over to the buffet table in hopes that food would distract her. She got sidetracked listening to some of the other partygoers who had the same idea.

"I'm sure the things coming out of their mouths are far less pleasant than what's going in," the woman smirked, and Iris tried to stifle a snort. Admittedly, those were her exact thoughts, she just hadn't wanted to think so harshly of them because it wasn't their fault she didn't mesh with them. But to hear the other woman say it so boldly was both a relief, and an amusing delight.

"I know stupidity isn't contagious," Iris decided to play along and tried to think of something witty to say, "but I can't blame you for trying to stand as far away from any of them as possible."

"I like to keep my distance," the woman agreed, smirk widening. She was also secretly delighted that Iris was playing along with her rather antagonistic humor. Of course she didn't actually hate anyone here, but she knew that her rather aggressive humor would've left most people chiding her for being improper and impolite. She was glad that this young party guest thought she was funny, too.

In fact, although the two had never met before, she happened to notice Iris only a minute or so before Iris noticed her. Like Iris, she was standing idle and bored in the farthest reach of the ballroom, shifting eyes scanning the room as she stared vacantly at all the pretty dresses and fancy suits. She'd noticed Iris also looking restless in her own little group and she couldn't help but smirk and shake her head.

Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who wishes she was somewhere else...The only reason she couldn't leave was because her friends had driven her here and it was too far and too late to walk home alone. Then, Iris started to approach, and the woman decided to allow it, just because she had indeed seen a kindred spirit in her just moments ago.

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