Jump Then Fall, Superman

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"Up already, eh, Daisuke?" Levi teased. "What are you, a morning glory?" Even on the phone, Daisuke could hear Levi's playful smirk.

"I could say the same about you, couldn't I?" he replied, grinning. "After all, I think it was your idea that we had this call."

"Haha, all right, guilty as charged," Levi shook his head, deciding to keep the fact that he actually hadn't gone to sleep at all a secret. He just got lost in the new WorldXross update and, before he knew it, it was morning. But because he knew his prim, proper, overly caring boyfriend wouldn't much like to hear that, he simply refrained from saying anything at all.

But of course, even though Levi may not have said anything, Daisuke still had his suspicions, knowing that his boyfriend had a pension for being a night owl, and how it often overlapped with his passionate love of video games. Even if there hadn't been a new update, Daisuke wouldn't have been surprised to hear that Levi stayed up all night playing video games anyway. If Daisuke was a morning glory, Levi was a moonflower.

"Ah, well then, Mr. Emerson, is that your confession?" Daisuke asked, voice suddenly becoming stern and low.

"Oh, are you going to finally send me to jail, Detective Hiirano?" Levi asked, affecting a helpless yet seductive tone. "Bring your best set of cuffs!"

Then he and Daisuke both burst out laughing. These were the kind of jokes that Levi would've been too shy to say, and Daisuke would've been too embarrassed to hear, just a few months ago, but something just clicked between the two of them and, before they knew it, they were dating. Now, all either man could think was how the other's laugh was the best sound he ever heard.

Levi still wasn't sure which of them had actually initiated the relationship, but what he did remember was how, early on, Daisuke had waited outside Levi's place in his best suit and tie, carrying a bouquet of hand grown flowers. Literally hand grown. He'd used his ability to summon up some of the loveliest, most fitting flowers he could think of, and Levi thought it was the sappiest and most romantic gesture he'd ever seen. His own romantic gesture was a bit sillier, but Daisuke seemed to appreciate it just the same. He gave them both pet names: Daisu-gay and Le-bi.

Ever since that day, Levi would indulge Daisuke's inner farmer/gardener and listen to him ramble about plants and farming before they'd switch off and it would be Levi's turn to ramble on about video games and computer-nerd stuff. Now they were sharing breakfast together and, as per usual, each one was indulging the other's favorite hobbies.

"-harvest is good this year, from what Pops told me," Daisuke was in the middle of saying. "Although there hasn't been as much rain as he hoped, but he's got this new fertilizer that hydrates the crops because it has a certain chemical structure that-"

Somewhere along the way, Levi lost focus, watching Daisuke talk, hearing the words, but all he could think was, "I'm glad we're together."

At one point, Daisuke laughed, and even though Levi wasn't focusing on what Daisuke was laughing about, just seeing him smile made Levi smile.

And every time you shine, I'd shine for you, Levi thought with a dreamy smile as Daisuke's face seemed to grow brighter and brighter the more he talked about his precious plants. Levi was sure that if it was possible, Daisuke would've lived in a greenhouse.

When it was Levi's turn to ramble about live streams and let's plays, it was Daisuke's turn to get lost in the other man's voice. Levi talked about the latest WorldXross update (once again leaving out the fact that he'd stayed up all night playing it).

"My team and I got an achievement unlocked for completing one of the new quest-lines under a certain time limit, which gave us-"

I like the way your hair falls in your face when you talk so animatedly. You got the keys to me, and romance was the achievement you unlocked. (Status update: boyfriend material). I love the stubble on your face...Daisuke didn't used to be one for video games, or even technology (beyond farming equipment), but after Levi, he'd never been so wrapped up in it. Honey, I like the way you're everything I ever wanted.

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