Chapter 4 - She's gone

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T.W. self harm.

Aria's POV:

I was walking through the cold, corridors of Hogwarts to Dumbledore's office. I knew exactly what I was gonna do, play the pity card. I arrived at his office, I walked through and saw Dumbledore, by a painting,

"Miss Potter, shouting from the top of your lungs, while standing on a table at breakfast is utterly inappropriate," I started to tear up, a few sniffles were released,

"Sir, when somebody tries to make a joke out of your life, acting like your worst enemy is in love with you is horrible," He softened his expressions, finally giving in,

"Miss Potter, I would like to remind you that this is your last warning," I shot from my seat and nodded, I headed over to Snape's office. I needed to get that healing potion before the spell wore off. I got to the colder dungeons, I was walking when I bumped into a tall boy with brown eyes, 

"You used the pity card, didn't you" He looked at the dried tears on my cheek, I laughed,

"Who knew Riddle was smarter than Dumbledore himself," I said jokingly, he smiled a bit, but stopped when he realised I saw. 

"Hope you enjoyed those chocolates," I said before walking into Snape's classroom,

"Hey Snape, I need a healing potion," He looked at me with an eyebrow raised,

"Why would I do that, go ask Pomfrey or something," I smiled at him,

"Snivellus, how would you feel if my mother knew from heaven, that you refused to help her child." I put a hand on my heart, he sighed and handed me a small red potion. He told me the instructions on when to take it.  

I headed back to common room and Lorenzo raised an eyebrow at me, 

"Getting stoned, now drunk, who is she?" He said, I flicked him in the forehead.

"If you must know, this is a healing potion, I'm PMSing all the time for some reason," Whispering the next part to Pansy only.

"Get up, you lazy slags, we're going Hogsmeade," We all got up, then Blaise got out a hat, with some papers, in it,

"We're going to go around and partner up for who goes up with who to Hogsmeade, we don't choose though, the hat does," I groaned, as I threw my head back. I'm going to flip my shit, if I get with Riddle. Blaise moved the hat to in front of me, I took out a paper, I threw it up,

"Incendio" The paper burned and turned to ashes,

"I guess Ari is going with Mattheo," Blaise said, everyone giggled except for me and Mattheo,

"You have no proof of that" 

"Yeah, so you burned a paper, with Pansy's name on it," He asked with an eyebrow raised,

"Cheer up Potter-" 

"Why are you and Draco, the only ones who say, that are you related or something" Everyone went quiet, and looked at the floor,

"We're cousins, what are you gonna do about it dumbass," Riddle sneered,

"But all of you knew, and its been what a day since he's been here, what's next Blaise and Pansy are dating?" Everyone went silent, 

"For fucks sake, this is bullshit, you think my best friend would tell me she's dating someone," I ran up to my dorm, and ran to the bathroom, I held onto the edge of the sink and cried with my head swung down, I splashed my face with cool water, I looked around and saw a straight razor, I held it to my wrist before dragging it across, the bloody flowed from it, kind of releasing the tension of the argument I just had with my friends. I made another cut, this time pain came all over my body, I was about to vomit so I moved my head to the toilet, I let it out, I saw a lot of blood and bit of a beige substance and phlegm. Delayed reaction, that was wasn't it. I chugged the potion Snape gave me before changing into pyjamas and falling into a sleep from exhaustion.

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