Chapter 10 - Boggart

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Aria's POV:

I was standing in the line waiting for my turn, classical Draco pushed in line and now all of us are at the front. I was half nervous, but also half excited on what it could be. Draco went first, the boggart formed into his dad, but used the charm to morph it into his mother. Lorenzo went next, the boggart took the form of Enzo on the edge of the cliff, he hesitated for a second before using the same charm, turning it into me?

"Really, out of everything you could think of, you thought of me, am I joke to you?" I grinned at him, but still slightly offended. Blaise was next his boggart turned into a man, he looked extremely anxious, I tried to think of who it could be. Then it crossed my mind, it was his mom's husband the same that raped him. I put a hand on his shoulder attempting, to reassure him that he wasn't real, he flicked his wand changing it to a scared first year. Pansy, Enzo and I erupted with laughter, knowing how happy bullying first years, make Draco and Blaise. It was my turn finally, I stepped in front it seeing it change into, my parents? I grabbed my wand but didn't do anything with it, they soon started to speak with disgusted expressions on their faces,

"I can't believe your our daughter," My mother exclaimed,

"Getting into Slytherin," My father roared

"Becoming a drug addict," She added,

"And being too much of a pussy to stop your boyfriend, so you ended yourself in the hospital wing," 

"You're no daughter of ours, you're a disappointment, you should just kill yourself like you've contemplated on doing."

 They both finished, leaving me in tears, I shakily grabbed my wand, shouting the incantation, I walk towards the back of the classroom, without getting a chance to see what I had turned it into, the class started to roar with laughter, I turned around to see Riddle dangling from a tree by his ankles. A small smile made its way onto my face, but the memory of my parents took it away. I sat at the back sinking into my chair as, I ran a hand through my hair, trying to process everything, they just said to me. Was I really a disappointment for being in Slytherin? Was I drug addict? I am really just a pussy, who can't defend herself? Should I just kill myself? A sharp pain entered my head, and I started to hear a little voice in my head, 

"None of what they said is true, your beautiful, and you're not a disappointment. Pansy isn't the only person who likes you, so many people love you and would give anything, to stop you from dying, so please don't." I was confused, that wasn't me saying that to myself. Its like someone else entered my thoughts. I looked around trying to work out who it was. I knew it had to be someone with a big brain, since we haven't learnt anything of the sorts so far. I saw a group of Hufflepuff's, crossing them off my mental list. I saw my friend group, crossing them off, yes they care about me, but their not the sharpest tools in the shed. My eyes darted to Riddle, of course not- wait, 'Pansy isn't the only person who like you,' sounds awfully familiar to, 'it's not like anybody likes, you except Parkinson, I'm sure she'll get over it soon enough by shagging Malfoy,' It sort of sounds like they regretted their words, and are apologising, but Riddle wouldn't apologise. He's almost as stubborn as I am, and that's saying something.

 I was so lost in thought, I didn't notice the four people sitting around me.

"You good?" Enzo asked discreetly, knowing I didn't want a lot of attention, I hummed in response, turning my attention back to the group.

"Hey, do you lot know what school Riddle went to before coming here?" They looked at me weirdly, before the blue eyed boy answered,

"Durmstrang, why?" 

"I would like to know more about my friends." He scoffed, raising his eyebrows at me,

"If you're friends with Riddle, then I'm a ferret." Draco taunted, I rolled my eyes, my mind kept drifting towards, what that Riddle or not. The bell started to ring alerting us of our 15 minutes break. I jumped out of my seat, looking for the brunette boy, I was walking down the corridor, till I spotted the familiar head of curly hair, I grabbed his wrist pulling him into a completely deserted corridor. 

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