Chapter 17 - High isn't healthy

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We all sat in the same Defence against the Dark Arts, but with a new teacher again. Fourth year and fourth teacher? It's almost like the rumours of there being a jinx on the DADA position was true.

"Alastor Moody, Ex Auror, Ministry Malcontent." He scribbled down his name on the word, "And your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to be. End of story, goodbye the end. Any questions?" His magic eye moved around to see if any hands were raised. I think these lot were too scared he would see into their brains, instead of asking questions bout Moody's Ministry Malcontent. Ay that's Alliteration.

"When it comes to dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgiveable curse there are?" My head shot up off my backrow desk, 

"Three, sir." Hermione remarked.

"And they are so named?"

"Because the use of any one of them-"

"Will land you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct." He aggressively scribbled 'unforgiveable curses' onto the blackboard.

"The ministry says you are too young to see what these curses do, I say different! You need to know what you're up against!" Moody passionately exclaimed. "You need to know what you're up against, You need to find another spot for your chewing gum beside the underside of your desk, Mr Finnigan!" All eyes turned to Seamus,

"No way the old codger can see out the back of his head!" His thick Irish accent accused. I couldn't contain my snort, neither could Enzo. How do you take the kid seriously with an accent like that?

"And hear across classrooms." Moody threw something at him, which didn't help our laughter. "Watcha laughin' at?" Moody threw a piece of chalk at my head.

"I have head trauma Moody." I rubbed my forehead, as Enzo was silently dying of laughter.

"So which curse shall we see first?" His eye looked down at Ron who sticking his tongue out at me, "Weasley!" He snapped back around looking up at Moody.


"Stand." He slowly got up, but hesitating to do so properly. "Give us a curse."

"Well my dad did tell me about one, the Imperius curse."

"Yeah your father would know all about that one. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years back." He went to his desk, opening a jar with a spider in it. He picked it up, making it bigger.

"Imperio!" The spider went wherever he pointed his wand, first Dean and Neville's desk, then onto Crabbe's forehead, before crawling up Padma's arm. It ended up on Ron's face, who is deathly afraid of spiders, Draco who was laughing had it land right on his nose. 

"What should I have her do next? Jump out the Window? Drown herself?"

"I think Moody is taking his suicidal thoughts out on the poor spider." I whispered to Enzo. Instead of drowning it, he summoned it back to her hand.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed they only did you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius curse."

"Aka Lucius Malfoy and Lucas Berkshire." They both looked at me rolling their eyes.

"But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars?" Simple really, we can't. The Ministry is a bunch of good for nothing misogynistic men who manipulate you into thinking they're good people.

"Another curse, come on." A series of hand rose including mind, but he pointed at Neville, "Up. Professor Sprout has told me you have an aptitude for Herbology."

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