Chapter 9 - Free

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I walked into the large circular room, and all 4 heads turned to me and Snape. We awkwardly walked over to the seats left for us, as Dumbledore started to speak,

"Good evening, today we are going to discuss the relationship between Miss Potter and Mr Nott." We all nodded slightly, signalling for him to continue.

"Mr Nott has used an unforgiveable on Miss Potter, usually this behaviour would earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, but as Mr Nott is a minor we have decided to discuss it." We stayed quiet as we waited for him to speak again.

"When did you two begin dating?" 

"Middle of September." Me and Theodore simultaneously replied.

"And how was the beginning from each of your perspectives."

"She was always with Berkshire, Malfoy or Parkinson. So we were never really hung out with each other, until like November." He announced in a bored tone.

"He was fine at first, then he started body shaming me, then the abuse started in mid December and her recently started using the Cruciatus curse." I said trying to not show the anxiety in my voice.

"My son would never do such a thing, you filthy half blood why are you lying." Exclaimed Mr Nott, 

"Potter, don't over exaggerate, I used the Cruciatus curse on you once, I would never body shame or abuse anybody, intentionally." Theodore added. I sat there baffled, but Snape spoke up instead,

"But you wont abuse anyone, but you would use the Cruciatus curse on them." We all sat there looking at Theo waiting for an explanation.

"I was reading in the Manor one day, and I came across a book, in which the Cruciatus curse was described as the tickling jinx." I scoffed.

"You're telling me your a third year but still don't know what the actual tickling jinx is." He straightened up under his fathers tight grip on his shoulder.

"Unlike you Potter, I don't mess around with jinxes, so I wouldn't know what the tickling jinx is as I have come to school to learn, not fool about." Before I had a chance to deny his claims Mr Nott started speaking,

"Listen Albus, Do you really think our son would purposely harm Potter. He wrote letters to his mother about how much he loved her, even if she was a half blood, for his sake we were willing to accept her." Mr Nott remarked in a soft tone, that clearly was fake. Dumbledore clapped his hands together, slightly rubbing them.

"That settles it, I don't think the Ministry really need to be involved, as it was a simple mistake on Mr Nott's side, but we will be tracking his wands behaviour, in case he does do something accidentally again." I sighed before getting up to leave but Snape holds me down by my wrist.

"Wait for them to leave first, before you go." I stayed in my seat waiting for the Notts to exit. 

After a few minutes, we both got up to leave, I was on the verge of tears the whole way back to the Hospital Wing. I went through the doors and was met with the room lit with the moonlight, but dark besides that. I walked over to my bed and collapsed into it, letting hot tears stream down my face. I buried my face into the soft pillow, crying my self to sleep.


"Dumbledore really was stupid thinking I was unintentionally using the Cruciatus curse on you," He laughed as he gripped me tighter. He held a dagger to my throat, digging it into my throat slightly, drawing some blood.

"Before, I was just torturing now, that my funs over, I want to end your life." he had an evil smirk on his face, before grabbing a the dagger and holding it at my throat again,

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