Chapter 11 - Black's back

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A/N: I know that the punch happens when it's light outside in the movies, but for this purpose pretend it was night time.

The sun seems to be a disc of gold, which somehow turns the western sky an array of colours. Blue, orange, yellow, red, pink all linger, as the sun sinks into the horizon. The clouds have a tinge of pinking as they slowly move across the evening sky. It was all so alluring, but this meeting with Dumbledore seemed to be the complete opposite.

"The two of you are commonly known to start havoc and chaos, where ever you go." We both sat there not knowing how to respond. "So we are going to resolve this tension in between the two of you," The both looked towards each other nodding slightly. "First tell me, why don't you enjoy the company of each other."

"He's annoying,"

"She's irritating," We replied at the same time.

"But why? You need to figure that out. Come back to my office next week, and we will discuss it." The two of us walked out after we heard his last words. I knew I had to go to the library, but the stars were coming out around now, meaning I could go to the Astronomy Tower, and smoke some weed. A stress reliever, honestly I think I deserve it, after not murdering Riddle, even though I was within 1 metre of him. I grabbed a piece of parchment and my wand from my pocket,

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." I checked to see where Filch and Mrs Norris were. I made my way to the tower avoiding the ratchet cat and the filthy squib. I got to the foot of the stairs ascending them to see the stars. They twinkled in the night sky, they were different sizes and shapes. They're like people, we have the same purpose, but really we're not that different. I took out a spliff, placing it between my lips, lighting it. I sucked as much as I could, before letting it out.

"Didn't know you smoked." My head snapped around to see the same curly haired boy, I rolled my eyes.

"I guess we learn something new everyday." I sarcastically replied before taking another drag.

"You know about what Dumbledore said" He spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Don't tell me your actually listening to the old man."

"What I was going to say is, it's absolute bullshit, and we should probably come up with some lie," I nodded taking another drag, my wrist was hanging off the railing as I looked up at the stars. The poor kid looked lonely, so I offered him the joint he raised an eyebrow.

"You have 5 seconds to take it before, I throw it off over the railing."

"I would never waste a perfectly fine joint." He snatched it from my grip, and took a drag from it, his jaw clenched as he did. Why is he so god damn annoying, but so fine as well? 

"Take a picture it'll last longer," He jeered, with a smirk on his face.

"How original?" I sarcastically exclaimed. He was going to say something, but we saw Malfoy and his cronies, and the golden trio. 

"This is going to be exciting." We exclaimed in chorus. Hermione approached Draco shouting things at him, she held her wand to his throat. He was whimpering, but a smug look replaced it as she backed away, but Granger turned around throwing a hard punch straight to his nose. 

"Mudbloods getting all type of confidence nowadays." He muttered under his breath. 

"This is Draco we're talking about, it can't of hurt that much, she's Granger for merlin's sake, he's just overdramatic." He didn't say anything but took another drag. I took the spliff from him taking a last drag before I ran down the stairs. I knew Buckbeak was getting executed today. To be honest I didn't give two shits, but I felt like something might happen. My stomach was churning, and I could throw up right now. I ran towards Hagrid's hut, knowing that even if my brother is a dickhead, he loves that bird, more than he loves me. I was getting closer, when I saw Fudge, Dumbledore and a guy with an axe ahead of me. I panicked seeing the three familiar teenagers in side the hut. Hurriedly, I grabbed a small rock aiming for the window, like I had expected it hit the window, alerting the occupants inside of there. That's why I'm a chaser in quidditch. They bolt out of the back door, coming towards the Pumpkins; where I was. 

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