Chapter 14 - "I kissed him"

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Good thing healthcare is free. 

Because if it wasn't, there is no way he Dursley's would pay for my foot. I'm pretty sure, they'll be smiling at my funeral. 

And no they didn't let me relax a little, they made me do more work. How pleasant!

Harry lectured me about the whole drugs thing, but I'm pretty sure I lost interest at line two, page one.

I was excited since in 4 days were going to the Weasley's house, but my birthday is tomorrow. Meaning I'm spending my birthday with Duddleykins, purple face and fivehead. It was now 10 o'clock at night and Harry and I follow our tradition as always. We stayed up till 12 while looking out at the stars. 

"Aiden always loved the stars." I turned to look at Liam, seeing Harry do the same.

"Who's Aiden?"

"My older brother, he also was wizard, but he rebelled against my dad and joined Durmstrang Institute. I haven't seen him in 4 - 5 years, honestly I really miss him but what can we really do?" His shoulders drooped, and his eyes began to get very shiny. I engulfed him into a big hug, his muscle relaxed, and I swear I felt a few tears fall onto my shoulder. It made me feel grateful for Harry in a way, like I was never going to miss him because he always just there, even if he's let me go through a never ending roller coaster of emotions. 

We heard a little beeping coming from Harry's watch. 


"Happy birthday!" Except it wasn't me, Liam or Harry. We looked out the window to see a head of brunette hair.

"Lorenzo Ace Berkshire what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked slightly concerned.

"For a foot massage. What do you think Aria?" This time the voice belonged a certain blonde.

"Who else did you bring? Riddle?" 

"Actually yes." The curly haired boy also popped out.

"Now get your ass down here, before I come and drag you down." Hissed Draco.

"Calm your tits. I'm coming." I grabbed my crutches that were leaning against the wall. "Make yourself useful and hold these." I threw them out the window, letting Draco catch them. 

"Liam, Harry come on." I impatiently ordered. Surprisingly, they both listened, climbing out the window after me. I limped over to Draco, getting my crutches from him.

"Liam, this Draco, Enzo and Riddle, Draco Enzo and Riddle, this is Liam. Enough with the introductions, lets get out of here."

"Your more concerned about Introductions? Aria your leg is bloody broken." Enzo pointed at the very visible cast on my foot.

"I'm aware, also nice use of alliteration." I winked at him. 

"No but seriously, how did you?"

"Long story, I'll explain on the way."

"Are we ignoring the fact some random guy was just in your bedroom." 

"Yes we are." I gave him a sarcastic smile. I looked to see Enzo and Liam talking, it's almost like they just clicked, just like I thought. Draco and Harry, were bickering as usual. I feel like know is the perfect moment, to show off my Legilimency to Riddle. 

'Your not special.' His head snapped towards mine, he looked genuinely alarmed. 

"How'd you do that?

'It doesn't matter.'  His expression grew more alarmed, and my smirk grew wider.

"Why does Mattheo look like you've threatened to cut off his dick?" Draco asked, making everyone's attention turn to the boy. 

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