Chapter 7: Hospital Wing.

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Aria POV: 

I ran out the room, and went over to the boys dormitories, to convince them that Pansy's just seeing things, I was walking to Mattheo's room since they're always there. When, someone wrapped an arm around my waist and started to pull me. I tried to talk, but they put a hand over my mouth, I tried to get out out of their grip, but they're were really strong,

"Looks like you told Parkinson our secret." I froze as I heard the voice, I tensed up, my body froze, he let go of me, and I grabbed onto the bed post to stop myself from falling, he pushed me, making me let go of the bed post, I fell onto my side and tried to gut up but he shot a spell at me instead,

"Petrificus Totalus!" I saw the evil smirk creep onto his face, as he saw my inability to move. I continued to try to move, but it was useless, he kicked me to my back, aiming for my spine, he turned me over, and stepped straight onto my stomach, with all his force. Theo pretended to think about what to do next, but punched me straight in the nose. He threw another punch, this time hitting my eye, he finished off why hitting my jaw. The spell was lifted up, I let out grunts and groans, as the pain started to come to me.

I tried to stand up but a red light shot of his wand making my knees buckle under me.

"Crucio!" I caught a glimpse of the clock and saw it was 7:44pm. I bit my lip in attempt to silence my screams, since the dumbass forgot the muffliato spell, but it didn't work when I let out pure screams of horror. I squirmed as my body tried to endure the pain of everything. It felt like tens of thousands of hot knives were stabbed into me, being take out and stabbed right back in, over, and over again. I let out all of my screams, the maniac stood there, laughing at me, I was rolling around the floor on the floor, praying for it to stop.

 I caught another glimpse of the clock, 7:49pm. I let out another round of cries of agony, I thought maybe he had put the spell when, the door swung open, I made out three faces, I recognized Draco, Enzo and Riddle? Riddle threw a punch straight at Theo making him stumble backwards. He tried to fight back, but was stopped by Riddles, fist connecting with his jaw. I felt the torturing go away, as I saw Enzo rush over to me, as Draco tried to move Riddle off Nott. He helped me up, but I felt the light headedness from earlier take over me. I clenched Enzo arm tighter as my vision became clouded, I tried to move, but I lost my balance, I felt my head hit the floor, as I blacked out.

Mattheo's POV:

I was sitting on Potter's bed trying to think of where she went, I started to pace, pinching the bridge of my nose, when I heard screams. They weren't just any bodies, they were hers, they reminded of the screams my dad made me listen to, after her parents died. I dashed out of the room, heading towards, where I could hear the screams, I heard to pairs of footsteps following me. We were lead towards Nott's room? What if they're just shagging, no no. I shoved the door open, all the dirty thoughts left my mind as I saw Potter laying on the floor, with a bloody face and bruises covering the whole of her body that wasn't covered, I threw a punch straight at Nott, stumbling backwards he looked kind of shocked, he tried to hit me back but I threw an uppercut at his jaw. I saw Lorenzo ran over to Potter, Draco was attempting to pull me off him, by I kept punching or kicking him. My head snapped in the direction of a loud thud, I subconsciously let go of the unconscious boy. I rushed over to where her body laid limp, I scooped her up bridal style in my arms. 

We tried to go as fast as we could to Pomfrey, but I had to do it without hurting her more than she already was. We got to the 4th floor corridor, but we were met with Pansy and Blaise, we rushed to the hospital wing, we kicked the door open,

"Oh my, Mr Riddle bring her this way," I followed Pomfrey to a free bed and I gently laid her down on the bed. 

"Mr Riddle and Miss Parkinson, I need you to stay, the rest of you leave," The boys nodded stiffly 

Pain - Mattheo RiddleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang