Chapter One

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Chapter One

   Walking through town hand in hand with Wesley, I thought about how much I loved him. I thought about how I loved the way he twined his fingers through mine when we held hands, how he always smiled when he saw me and told me how much he loved me. How, no matter what state I was in, he always said that I looked beautiful and that I was his angel. And, when he noticed little things about me: if I'd changed my hair slightly or bought some new shoes. He always noticed and always told me.

   Another thing I loved about him was that he was honest. If I would say about getting my hair cut differently, he would give me his opinion, he would say how that style wouldn't suit my face structure or how that colour would clash with my skin tone. The thing I loved most about him was that he loved me for me. He didn't want to change anything about me, not the way I acted or how I dressed. Not the silly texts I sent him or the endless number of hugs and kisses I put at the end of texts. Like when he'd text me asking if I wanted him to meet me on the way to school, I would send a simple 'plz.' and it would have about thirty hugs and kisses after it. He would just tell me that it made him feel special and that he thought it was, in a sense, cute. The bottom line is that he loved me. Really loved me.

   As we sat down in Cafe Nero, Wesley took my hand from across the table. He started to stroke the top of my hand with his thumb. I smiled and said "So, what are you havin'?"

Wesley looked at me and said "Dunno'. Hot chocolate, probably. You?"

"I think I'll join you there." I said, grinning at him.

   When Wesley sat down with our drinks, he smiled at me and said "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, grinning. I ran my finger through the mountain of cream and licked the huge dollop off of my finger. I did this until the cream sat level with the rim of the cup. I then took the wafer from the small plate and scooped the rest of the cream up with it. When I put it in my mouth, I loved the crunch of the wafer as I chewed it and the melting of the cream as it slid down my throat. I then started to sip the hot chocolate, tasting the mint in it. "Ohhhhhh! You got me mint." I said, grinning happily.

"Yep, I know you love it." Wesley said in between gulps of hot chocolate.

"What did you get?"

"Belgian chocolate. You know me, I like it the old fashioned way."

"Mmm hmmm. 'Cos in the olden days they would have their chocolate imported from Belgium, wouldn't they?" I said, sarcastically.

"Obviously." Wesley said, grinning. I shook my head and continued to sip my hot chocolate.

   As we walked back to my house, Wesley started laughing under his breath. "Hey." I said, nudging Wesley gently. "What's so funny?" I was now smiling myself.

"Nothing." Wesley said.

"Tell me!" I said, slightly irritated.


"Pleeeeeease?" I whined.

"No." I was annoyed and resorted to his one weakness. I gave him my best puppy dog face and made small sniffling noises. He sighed and stopped walking. "I hate you when you do that." He said.

"And I love you when it works." I shot back.

"Urgh!" He groaned.

"So, tell me, lover."

"It's nothing. It's not even important."

"Then tell me."

"I was just thinking about how you drink your hot chocolate."


"It makes me laugh. It's cute."

"That's it?"



"Mmmm hmmm"

"Well, that was a waste of a puppy dog face."

"No. It wasn't." I looked at him, my eye brows raised and furrowed. "It just made my day even better." I stopepd him, pulled him to me and planted a light, sweet kiss on his gorgeous lips.

   We sat down on the love seat in my room, we started to kiss tenderly. As Wesley's hands ran up and down my back, I heard a knock at the door. Before I could pull away from Wesley, mum walked in. "Am I interrupting?" She asked.

"Kinda'." I replied.

"I did knock."

"I didn't say 'come in'."

"O-kay. I wondered if Wesley was staying for dinner."

I looked to him. "Are you?"

"Ummm, I don't mind." Wesley said.

"Please?" I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Ahhh, Karen, your daughter drives a hard bargain."

"Don't you think I know that?" mum said, smiling. "I mean, how do you think she got everything in here?" I just rolled my eyes.

   After dinner, Wesley and I went and 'watched a film' in my room. Well, I say we watched a film, really we put the TV on and started snogging again. Wesley stayed over that night.

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